

Training & Services

Xilinx offers courses aboutSI and PCBconsiderations when designing with high-performance FPGAs. For example, the “Signal Integrity for High-speed Memory and Processor I/O” course teaches signal integrity techniques applicable to high-speed interfaces between Xilinx FPGAs and semiconductor memories. The course covers:

  • High-speed bus and clock design effects such as transmission line termination, loading, and jitter.
  • Hands-on opportunities to work with IBIS models and complete simulations using CAD packages.
  • PCB effects and on-chip termination.

Ourpartnersprovide a broad range of design services including signal integrity analysis and PCB design.

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Industry Resources:



  • “Computer Circuits Electrical Design”byRon K. Poon
  • “Digital Systems Engineering”byWilliam J. Daly and John W. Poulton
  • “High-Frequency Characterization of Electronic Packaging”byLuc Martens
  • “Signal Integrity – Simplified”byEric Bogatin
  • “High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic”byHoward Johnson
  • “High Speed Signal Propagation: Advanced Black Magic”byHoward Johnson
  • “Digital Signal Integrity: Modeling and Simulation with Interconnects and Packages”byBrian Young
  • “MECL System Design Handbook,”Motorola Semiconductor Products, Inc.
  • “High-Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices”byStephen H. Hall, Garrett W. Hall, and James A. McCall