logiWIN Versatile Video Input Controller

  • 现金网博e百 編號:logiWIN
  • 供應商:Xylon d.o.o.
  • Premier Partner

现金网博e百 描述

The logiWIN IP core accepts a streaming video input, decodes it and converts into the RGB format. The input video can be real-time scaled, de-interlaced, cropped and positioned on the video display. Captured video can be processed by various IP cores and displayed by a graphics controller IP, i.e. the logiCVC-ML Compact Multilayer Video Controller LCD display controller IP core from Xylon. The logiWIN integrates high-quality anti-aliasing algorithm that guarantees high picture quality without visible artifacts. The core is fully embedded into Xilinx Vivado and ISE Design Suites, and its usage does not require skills beyond general Xilinx tools knowledge. Parametrizable VHDL design allows tuning of slice consumption and features set through implementation tools GUI interface. Instantiations of multiple logiWIN IPs enable processing of multiple video inputs within a single Xilinx FPGA device. To enable an easy IP evaluation, Xylon offers a number of free reference designs for the most popular Zynq-7000 SoC based development boards.


  • Double or triple buffering for video flicker prevention
  • Provides Bob ad Weave de-interlacing algorithms
  • Maximum input and output resolutions are 2048x2048
  • Supports Pixel Alpha blending
  • Supported busses: AMBA AXI4 and Xylon XMB
  • Video input cropping and smooth image positioning
  • Image color enhancements: brightness, contrast, hue, saturation
  • Output video formats: RGB ad YCbCr
  • Input video formats: RGB, ITU656 (PAL/NTSC), ITU1120, YUV4:2:2
  • Real-time video scale-up and scale down




係列 器件 速度等級 工具版本 硬件驗證? LUT BRAM DSP48 CMT GTx FMAX (Mhz)
Zynq-UP-MPSoC Family XCZU9EG -2 Vivado ML 2021.1 Y 0 2393 6 8 0 0 240
VERSAL_AI_CORE Family XCVC1902 -1 Vivado 2019.1 0 2993 6 8 0 0 200
Zynq-7000 Family XC7Z020 -1 Vivado 2018.3 Y 732 1625 4 11 0 0 170
Spartan 6 Family XC6SLX75 -3 ISE 14.4 Y 427 834 3 6 0 0 200
VIRTEX6LXT Family XC6VLX75T -3 ISE 14.4 Y 446 823 3 6 0 0 280

IP 質量指標


數據創建日期 Feb 16, 2022
當前 IP 修訂號 5.2.1
當前修訂日期已發布 Feb 06, 2020
第一版發布日期 Mar 12, 2009

Xilinx 客戶的生產使用情況

Xilinx 客戶成功生產項目的數量 55
可否提供參考? N


可供購買的 IP 格式 Bitstream, Netlist, Source Code
源代碼格式 VHDL
是否包含高級模型? N
提供集成測試台 Y
集成測試台格式 VHDL
是否提供代碼覆蓋率報告? N
是否提供功能覆蓋率報告? N
是否提供 UCF? UCF
商業評估板是否可用? Y
評估板所用的 FPGA Spartan-6
是否提供軟件驅動程序? Y
驅動程序的操作係統支持 Linux


代碼是否針對 Xilinx 進行優化? Y
標準 FPGA 優化技術 Inference, Instantiation
所支持的綜合軟件工具及版本 Xilinx XST
是否執行靜態時序分析? Y
AXI 接口 AXI4, AXI4-Lite
是否包含 IP-XACT 元數據? N


是否有可用的文檔驗證計劃? Yes, document only plan
測試方法 Directed Testing
斷言 N
收集的覆蓋指標 None
是否執行時序驗證? Y
可用的時序驗證報告 N
所支持的仿真器 Mentor ModelSIM


在 FPGA 上進行驗證 Y
所使用的硬件驗證平台 ZC702
已通過的行業標準合規測試 N