AI Engine API User Guide (AIE) 2021.2
aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N > Member List

This is the complete list of members foraie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N >, including all inherited members.

AccumTagtypedef aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N >
elems_per_op aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N > static
num_ops aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N > static
readincr(input_stream< AccumTag > *_w) aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N > inlinestatic
typetypedef aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N >
writeincr(output_stream< AccumTag > *_w, type value) aie::detail::adf::cascade_stream_helper< accfloat, N > inlinestatic