AI Engine API User Guide (AIE) 2021.2
Special Multiplications


AIE provides hardware support to accelerate special multiplications that can be used to accelerate specific application use cases like (but not limited to) signal processing.


struct aie::sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_uct_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStep, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_sym_x_ops=sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, 1, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_sym_xy_ops=sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepXY, DataStepXY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_sym_y_ops=sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, 1, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_x_ops=sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, 1, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_xy_ops=sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepXY, DataStepXY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType,ElemBaseTypeDataType,AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
using aie::sliding_mul_y_ops=sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, 1, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >


templateAccumOrOpAcc,VectorVecCoeff = void,VectorVecData = void, Vector... NextVecData>
auto aie::accumulate(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, const NextVecData &...next_data) ->operand_base_type_t< Acc >
templateAccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = accauto,VectorVecCoeff = void,VectorVecData = void, Vector... NextVecData>
auto aie::accumulate(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, const NextVecData &...next_data) ->accum< std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< AccumTag,accauto>,detail::default_accum_tag_t< typename VecCoeff::value_type, typename VecData::value_type >, AccumTag >, Lanes >

Class Documentation


struct aie::sliding_mul_ops
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
struct aie::sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >

This type provides a parametrized multiplication that implements the following compute pattern:

DSX = DataStepX
DSY = DataStepY
CS = CoeffStep
P = Points
L = Lanes
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + ] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (P-1) * DSX]
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + DSY] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + DSY + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + DSY + (P-1) * DSX]
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-1) * DSX]
Supported parameters for sliding_mul with 48b accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
16b x 16b 8
1,2,3,4 1 1 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x 32b 8
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x 16b 8
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 32b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c32b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Supported parameters for sliding_mul with 80b accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
32b x 16b 8 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x 32b 8 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x 32b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 32b 2
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c32b 2
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c32b 2 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Supported parameters for sliding_mul with floating point accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
float x float 8 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
float x cfloat 4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
cfloat x float 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
cfloat x cfloat 4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepX Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection accross lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).

Public Types

using accum_type=accum< std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< AccumTag,accauto>,detail::default_accum_tag_t< CoeffType, DataType >, AccumTag >, Lanes >
using coeff_type= typename impl_type::coeff_type
using data_type= typename impl_type::data_type
using impl_type=detail::sliding_mul< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, accum_bits, CoeffType, DataType >
enum class MulType{Mul,Acc_Mul,NegMul}

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpraccum_type mac(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
template<MulTypeMul,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, const Acc &...acc)
static constexpraccum_type negmul(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned columns_per_mul= impl_type::columns_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned lanes= impl_type::lanes
static constexpr unsigned lanes_per_mul= impl_type::lanes_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned num_mul= impl_type::num_mul
static constexpr unsigned points= impl_type::points

Member Enumeration Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
enum classaie::sliding_mul_ops::MulType

Member Function Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs a multiply-add with the pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments.

acc Accumulator that is added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
data_start Index of the first data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs the multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
data_start Index of the first data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::negmul ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs a negation of the multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
data_start Index of the first data element to be used in the multiplication.


struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_ops
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >

This type provides a parametrized multiplication that implements the following compute patterns:

If Points is an even number:

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSX = DataStepX
DSY = DataStepY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
OP = Operationtype: '+' for symmetric, '-' foranisymmetric
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] OP data[d_s + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSX] OP data[d_s + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2-1) * DSX] OP data[d_s + P/2 * DSX]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + DSY] OP data[d_s + DSY + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSY + DSX] OP data[d_s + DSY + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + DSY + (P/2-1) * DSX] OP data[d_s + DSY + P/2 * DSX]);
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY] OP data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + DSX] OP data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P/2-1) * DSX] OP data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + P/2 * DSX]);

If Points is an odd number:

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSX = DataStepX
DSY = DataStepY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
OP = Operationtype: '+' for symmetric, '-' foranisymmetric
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] OP data[d_s + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSX] OP data[d_s + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2 * CS)] * (data[d_s + P/2 * DSX]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + DSY] OP data[d_s + DSY + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSY + DSX] OP data[d_s + DSY + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2 * CS)] * (data[d_s + DSY + P/2 * DSX]);
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY] OP data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + DSX] OP data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + P/2 * DSX]);
Supported parameters for sliding_mul_sym with 48b accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
16b x 16b 8
1,2,3,4 1 1 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x 32b 8
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x 16b 8
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 32b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 16b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c32b 4
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Supported parameters for sliding_mul_sym with 80b accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
32b x 16b 8 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x 32b 8 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x 32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x 32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c16b x c32b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x 32b 2
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c32b 2
1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c32b 2 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepX Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection across lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).

Public Types

using accum_type=accum< std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< AccumTag,accauto>,detail::default_accum_tag_t< CoeffType, DataType >, AccumTag >, Lanes >
using coeff_type= typename impl_type::coeff_type
using data_type= typename impl_type::data_type
using impl_type=detail::sliding_mul_sym< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, accum_bits, CoeffType, DataType >
enum class SymMulType{Sym,Antisym,Acc_Sym,Acc_Antisym}

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpraccum_type mac_antisym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
static constexpraccum_type mac_antisym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned ldata_start, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mac_antisym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mac_sym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
static constexpraccum_type mac_sym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned ldata_start, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mac_sym(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul_antisym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul_antisym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned ldata_start, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul_antisym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start)
template<SymMulTypeMulType,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, const Acc &...acc)
template<SymMulTypeMulType,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned ldata_start, unsigned rdata_start, const Acc &...acc)
template<SymMulTypeMulType,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, const Acc &...acc)
static constexpraccum_type mul_sym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul_sym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned ldata_start, unsigned rdata_start)
static constexpraccum_type mul_sym(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned columns_per_mul= impl_type::columns_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned lanes= impl_type::lanes
static constexpr unsigned lanes_per_mul= impl_type::lanes_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned num_mul= impl_type::num_mul
static constexpr unsigned points= impl_type::points

Member Enumeration Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
enum classaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops::SymMulType

Member Function Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_antisym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_antisym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned ldata_start,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_antisym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & ldata,
unsigned ldata_start,
const VecData & rdata,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant uses two input buffers for left/right elements.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
ldata Vectorof left data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata Vectorof right data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_sym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs the symmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
data_start Index of the first data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_sym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned ldata_start,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the symmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< AccumOrOpAcc, VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mac_sym ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & ldata,
unsigned ldata_start,
const VecData & rdata,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the symmetric multiply-add pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant uses two input buffers for left/right elements.

acc Accumulator to be added to the result of the multiplication.
coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
ldata Vectorof left data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata Vectorof right data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_antisym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_antisym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned ldata_start,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_antisym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & ldata,
unsigned ldata_start,
const VecData & rdata,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the antisymmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant uses two input buffers for left/right elements.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
ldata Vectorof left data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata Vectorof right data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_sym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned data_start

Performs the symmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
data_start Index of the first data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_sym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
unsigned ldata_start,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the symmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant allows two separate start indices for left/right elements.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
data Vectorof data samples.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
template< VectorOrOpVecCoeff, VectorOrOpVecData>
static constexpraccum_typeaie::sliding_mul_sym_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStepX, DataStepY, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >::mul_sym ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & ldata,
unsigned ldata_start,
const VecData & rdata,
unsigned rdata_start

Performs the symmetric multiplication pattern defined by the class parameters using the input coefficient and data arguments. This variant uses two input buffers for left/right elements.

coeff Vectorof coefficients. On AIE the size is limited to vectors of up to 256 bits.
coeff_start Index of the first coefficient element to be used in the multiplication.
ldata Vectorof left data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
ldata_start Index of the first left data element to be used in the multiplication.
rdata Vectorof right data samples. The size is limitted to vectors of up to 512 bits.
rdata_start Index of the first right data element to be used in the multiplication.


struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_uct_ops
templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
struct aie::sliding_mul_sym_uct_ops< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStep, CoeffType, DataType, AccumTag >

This type provides a parametrized multiplication across the lower half of its lanes (equivalent tosliding_mul_sym_ops), and upshifts one selected set of data in the upper half of the lanes.

It implements the following compute pattern:

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DS = DataStep
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
ups = uct_shift
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] + data[d_s + (P-1) * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DS] + data[d_s + (P-2) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2-1) * DS] + data[d_s + P/2 * DS]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + DS] + data[d_s + P * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + 2 * DS] + data[d_s + (P-1) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + P/2 * DS] + data[d_s + (P/2+1) * DS]);
out[L/2-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L/2-1) * DS] + data[d_s + (P+L/2-2) * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + L/2 * DS] + data[d_s + (P+L/2-3) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2+L/2-2) * DS] + data[d_s + (P/2+L/2-1) * DS]);
out[L/2] = data[d_s + P/2 * DS] << ups
out[L/2+1] = data[d_s + (P/2+1) * DS] << ups
out[L-1] = data[d_s + (P/2+L/2-1) * DS] << ups
Supported parameters for sliding_mul_sym_uct with 48b accumulation
Types (coeff x data) Lanes CoeffStep DataStepX DataStepY coeff_start data_start
c16b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
c32b x c16b 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Unsigned smaller than 8 Signed
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane in the first half of the output Lanes.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStep Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane and across lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).

Public Types

using accum_type=accum< std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< AccumTag,accauto>,detail::default_accum_tag_t< CoeffType, DataType >, AccumTag >, Lanes >
using coeff_type= typename impl_type::coeff_type
using data_type= typename impl_type::data_type
using impl_type=detail::sliding_mul_sym_uct< Lanes, Points, CoeffStep, DataStep, accum_bits, CoeffType, DataType >
enum class SymMulType{Sym,Antisym,Acc_Sym,Acc_Antisym}

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpraccum_type mac_antisym_uct(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mac_antisym_uct(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mac_sym_uct(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mac_sym_uct(const Acc &acc, const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mul_antisym_uct(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mul_antisym_uct(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, unsigned uct_shift)
template<SymMulTypeMulType,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, unsigned uct_shift, const Acc &...acc)
template<SymMulTypeMulType,VectorOrOpVecCoeff,VectorOrOpVecData, AccumOrOp... Acc>
static constexpraccum_type mul_common(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, unsigned uct_shift, const Acc &...acc)
static constexpraccum_type mul_sym_uct(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &data, unsigned data_start, unsigned uct_shift)
static constexpraccum_type mul_sym_uct(const VecCoeff &coeff, unsigned coeff_start, const VecData &ldata, unsigned ldata_start, const VecData &rdata, unsigned rdata_start, unsigned uct_shift)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned columns_per_mul= impl_type::columns_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned lanes= impl_type::lanes
static constexpr unsigned lanes_per_mul= impl_type::lanes_per_mul
static constexpr unsigned num_mul= impl_type::num_mul
static constexpr unsigned points= impl_type::points

Member Enumeration Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
enum classaie::sliding_mul_sym_uct_ops::SymMulType

Typedef Documentation


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_sym_x_ops= typedefsliding_mul_sym_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_sym_ops, but DataStepY is always 1.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSX = DataStepX
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] + data[d_s + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSX] + data[d_s + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2-1) * DSX] + data[d_s + P/2 * DSX]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + 1] + data[d_s + 1 + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + 1 + DSX] + data[d_s + 1 + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + 1 + (P/2-1) * DSX] + data[d_s + 1 + P/2 * DSX]);
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L-1)] + data[d_s + (L-1) + (P-1) * DSX]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + (L-1) + DSX] + data[d_s + (L-1) + (P-2) * DSX]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (L-1) + (P/2-1) * DSX] + data[d_s + (L-1) + P/2 * DSX]);
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepX Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_sym_xy_ops= typedefsliding_mul_sym_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_sym_ops, but DataStepX is equal to DataStepY.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DS = DataStepXY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] + data[d_s + (P-1) * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DS] + data[d_s + (P-2) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2-1) * DS] + data[d_s + P/2 * DS]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + DS] + data[d_s + P * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + 2 * DS] + data[d_s + (P-1) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + P/2 * DS] + data[d_s + (P/2+1) * DS]);
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DS] + data[d_s + (P+L-2) * DS]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + L * DS] + data[d_s + (P+L-3) * DS]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2+L-2) * DS] + data[d_s + (P/2+L-1) * DS]);
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepXY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane and across lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_sym_y_ops= typedefsliding_mul_sym_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_sym_ops, but DataStepX is always 1.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSY = DataStepY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + ] + data[d_s + (P-1)]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + 1] + data[d_s + (P-2)]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (P/2-1)] + data[d_s + P/2]);
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + DSY] + data[d_s + DSY + (P-1)]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + DSY + 1] + data[d_s + DSY + (P-2)]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + DSY + (P/2-1)] + data[d_s + DSY + P/2]);
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY] + data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-1)]) + coeff[c_s + CS] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + 1] + data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-2)]) + ...
+ coeff[c_s + (P/2-1 * CS)] * (data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P/2-1)] + data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + P/2]);
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection across lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_x_ops= typedefsliding_mul_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_ops, but DataStepY is always 1.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSX = DataStepX
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + 0] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (P-1) * DSX]
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + 1] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + 1 + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + 1 + (P-1) * DSX]
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + (L-1)] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) + DSX] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) + (P-1) * DSX]

For the list of valid parameters, checksliding_mul_ops.

Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepX Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_xy_ops= typedefsliding_mul_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_ops, but DataStepX is equal to DataStepY.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DS = DataStepXY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + ] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + DS] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (P-1) * DS]
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + DS] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + 2 * DS] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + P * DS]
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DS] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + L * DS] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (P+L-2) * DS]

For the list of valid parameters, checksliding_mul_ops.

Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepXY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane and across lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).


templateElemBaseTypeCoeffType, ElemBaseTypeDataType, AccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = detail::default_accum_tag_t>
usingaie::sliding_mul_y_ops= typedefsliding_mul_ops

Similar tosliding_mul_ops, but DataStepX is always 1.

L = Lanes
P = Points
CS = CoeffStep
DSY = DataStepY
c_s = coeff_start
d_s = data_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + ] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + 1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (P-1)]
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + DSY] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + DSY + 1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + DSY + (P-1)]
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY] + coeff[c_s + CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + 1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (P-1) * CS] * data[d_s + (L-1) * DSY + (P-1)]
For the list of valid parameters, check @ref sliding_mul_ops.
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
Points Number of data elements used to compute each lane.
CoeffStep Step used to select elements from the coeff buffer. This step is applied to element selection within a lane.
DataStepY Step used to select elements from the data buffer. This step is applied to element selection accross lanes.
CoeffType Type of the coefficient elements.
DataType Type of the data elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).

Function Documentation


templateAccumOrOpAcc, VectorVecCoeff = void, VectorVecData = void, Vector... NextVecData>
auto aie::accumulate ( const Acc & acc,
const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
const NextVecData &... next_data
) ->operand_base_type_t

This function provides a parametrized multiplication that implements the following compute pattern:

L = Lanes
C = sizeof...(next_data) + 1
c_s = coeff_start
out[0] += coeff[c_s] * data_0[0] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[0] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[0]
out[1] += coeff[c_s] * data_0[1] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[1]
out[L-1] += coeff[c_s] * data_0[L-1] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[L-1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[L-1]
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
acc Accumulator to which the result of the accumulation is added (or subtracted). The type must meetAccumOrOp.
coeff Vectorwith the coefficients.
coeff_start First element from the coeff vector to be used.
data First vector of data.
next_data Rest of the data vectors.


templateAccumElemBaseTypeAccumTag = accauto, VectorVecCoeff = void, VectorVecData = void, Vector... NextVecData>
auto aie::accumulate ( const VecCoeff & coeff,
unsigned coeff_start,
const VecData & data,
const NextVecData &... next_data
) ->accumaccauto>,detail::default_accum_tag_t, AccumTag>, Lanes>

This function provides a parametrized multiplication that implements the following compute pattern:

L = Lanes
C = sizeof...(next_data) + 1
c_s = coeff_start
out[0] = coeff[c_s] * data_0[0] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[0] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[0]
out[1] = coeff[c_s] * data_0[1] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[1]
out[L-1] = coeff[c_s] * data_0[L-1] + coeff[c_s + 1] * data_1[L-1] + ... + coeff[c_s + (C-1)] * data_C-1[L-1]
Template Parameters
Lanes Number of output elements.
AccumTag Accumulator tag that specifies the required accumulation bits. The class must be compatible with the result of the multiplication of the coefficient and data types (real/complex).
coeff Vectorwith the coefficients.
coeff_start First element from the coeff vector to be used.
data First vector of data.
next_data Rest of the data vectors.