
The statuscommand displays the status of the debug IPs on the card. Currently, this command can read and report the status of SDx™performance monitor (SPM) and lightweight AXI protocol checker (LAPC) debug IPs. For more information on adding SPM counters and LAPC in your design, see SDAccel Environment Debugging Guide(UG1281).

Below are the available options. If you are running without arguments, it shows the list of available debug IPs.

  • --spm(Optional): Returns the value of the SPM counters. This option is only applicable if thexclbinwas compiled with the necessary profiling options.
  • --lapc(Optional): Returns the values of the violation codes detected by the LAPC. This option is only applicable ifxclbinwas compiled with necessary option to insert AXI protocol checkers at the AXI ports of the compute units.

An example output of the following command is shown below:

$ xbutil status
INFO: Found total 1 card(s), 1 are usable Number of IPs found: 6 IPs found [()]: spm(2) tracefunnel(1) monitorfifolite(1) monitorfifofull(1) accelmonitor(1) Run 'xbutil status' with option -- to get more information about the IP INFO: xbutil status succeeded.

An example output using the--spmoption is shown below:

$ xbutil status --spm
INFO: Found total 1 card(s), 1 are usable SDx Performance Monitor Counters CU Name AXI Portname Write Bytes Write Trans. interconnect_aximm_host M00_AXI 8192 16 simple_1 M_AXI_GMEM 4096 1024
CU Name Read Bytes Read Trans. Outstanding Cnt interconnect_aximm_host 4096 1 0 simple_1 4096 1024 0
CU Name Last Wr Addr Last Wr Data Last Rd Addr interconnect_aximm_host 0x0 0 0xe00 simple_1 0x0 0 0xffc
CU Name Last Rd Data interconnect_aximm_host 1483476076 simple_1 1062897 INFO: xbutil status succeeded.

When there are no debug IPs in thexclbin, you will see a similar output as shown below:

INFO: Found total 1 card(s), 1 are usable INFO: Failed to find any debug IPs on the platform. Ensure that a valid bitstream with debug IPs (SPM, LAPC) is successfully downloaded. INFO: xbutil status succeeded.