Kernel Information

For each kernel in thexclbinthe function definition, ports, and instance information is reported.

Below is an example of the reported function definition.

Definition ---------- Signature: krnl_vadd (int* a, int* b, int* c, int const n_elements)

Below is an example of the reported ports.

Ports ----- Port: M_AXI_GMEM Mode: master Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable Port: M_AXI_GMEM1 Mode: master Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable Port: S_AXI_CONTROL Mode: slave Range (bytes): 0x1000 Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable

Below is an example of the reported instance(s) of the kernel.

Instance: krnl_vadd_1 Base Address: 0x0 Argument: a Register Offset: 0x10 Port: M_AXI_GMEM Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: b Register Offset: 0x1C Port: M_AXI_GMEM Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: c Register Offset: 0x28 Port: M_AXI_GMEM1 Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: n_elements Register Offset: 0x34 Port: S_AXI_CONTROL Memory: