Getting Started

Download and install theSDAccel™tool suite according to the directions provided in theSDAccel Environment Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing Guide(UG1238).

You might also want to reviewGet Moving with Alveo(UG1352) which provides an easy-to-follow, guided introduction to developing software code for FPGA-accelerated applications.

You can find details on downloading and working with design examples from theXilinx®GitHuband inGetting Started with Examples.

Note:The SDAcceltool suite includes the entire tool stack to create a bitstream, object code, and executables. If you have installed the Xilinx Vivado® Design Suiteand the Software Development Kit (SDK)tools independently, you should not attempt to combine these installations with the SDAcceltools. Ensure that your tools are derived from an SDAccelinstallation (which includes the Vivado Design Suiteand SDAcceltools).
IMPORTANT:The SDAccelapplication runs only on the Linux operating system. See the SDAccel Environment Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing Guide(UG1238)for a description of the software requirements for the SDAccelenvironment.