
The querycommand returns detailed status information for the specified card.

It has the following option:

  • -d (Optional): Specifies the target card. Default = 0 if not specified.

For example, to query card ID zero, run the following command:

xbutil query -d 0

An example of the output is given below. The output has been divided into separate sections to better describe the content.

The first section gives details of the installed card including the shell name (DSA name), vendor information, installed DDR, clock, andPCIeinformation.

INFO: Found total 1 card(s), 1 are usable DSA name xilinx_u250_xdma_201820_1 Vendor Device SubDevice SubVendor XMC fw version 10ee 5004 000e 10ee 2018203 DDR size DDR count OCL Frequency Clock0 Clock1 64 GB 4 300 MHz 500 MHz PCIe DMA bi-directional threads MIG Calibrated GEN 3x16 2 true

Card power and thermal information are given next.

############################################################################### Power 34.9W PCB TOP FRONT PCB TOP REAR PCB BTM FRONT 33 C 28 C 32 C FPGA Temp TCRIT Temp Fan Speed 35 C 33 C 1100 rpm 12V PEX 12V AUX 12V PEX Current 12V AUX Current 11.9V 0.45V 2928mA 32mA 3V3 PEX 3V3 AUX DDR VPP BOTTOM DDR VPP TOP 3.36V 3.31V 2.50V 2.50V SYS 5V5 1V2 TOP 1V8 TOP 0V85 5.49V 1.20V 1.82V 0.85V MGT 0V9 12V SW MGT VTT 0.90V 11.9V 1.20V VCCINT VOL VCCINT CURR 0.85V 10094mA

The firewall provides information when an error has been detected in hardware. This includes a timestamp and the level of the firewall. The firewall has three levels. For more information, see theSDAccel Environment Debugging Guide(UG1281). In the below output, there are no detected firewall errors.

Firewall Last Error Status: Level 0: 0x0 (GOOD)

ThexclbinID along with the contained Compute Units (CU) are displayed. For each CU, it displays the name,PCIeBAR address, and the status, which can be IDLE, START, and DONE. The output below shows thexclbinID and two CUs both with IDLE status.

Xclbin ID: 0x5b996b13 Compute Unit Status: CU[0]: bandwidth1:kernel_1@0x1800000 (IDLE) CU[1]: bandwidth2:kernel_2@0x1810000 (IDLE)

The memory topology along with the DMA transfer metrics are provided next. The DMA metrics include the transfer of data between the host and card. Host to card transfers are indicated byh2c, while card to host transfer are defined byc2h.

############################################################################### Mem Topology Device Memory Usage Tag Type Temp Size Mem Usage BO nums [0] bank0 MEM_DDR4 31 C 16 GB 0 Byte 0 [1] bank1 MEM_DDR4 31 C 16 GB 0 Byte 0 [2] bank2 MEM_DDR4 33 C 16 GB 0 Byte 0 [3] bank3 MEM_DDR4 31 C 16 GB 0 Byte 0 [4] PLRAM[0] **UNUSED** Not Supp 128 KB 0 Byte 0 [5] PLRAM[1] **UNUSED** Not Supp 128 KB 0 Byte 0 [6] PLRAM[2] **UNUSED** Not Supp 128 KB 0 Byte 0 [7] PLRAM[3] **UNUSED** Not Supp 128 KB 0 Byte 0 Total DMA Transfer Metrics: Chan[0].h2c: 49888 MB Chan[0].c2h: 22656 MB Chan[1].h2c: 8096 MB Chan[1].c2h: 22592 MB

Finally, here is the successful output:

INFO: xbutil query succeeded.