SDx (sdx) Command Options

Thesdxcommand is the primary entry into theSDx™development environments. It provides options for specifying the workspace, and options of the project. The following are the options of thesdxcommand:

Display Options

The display options display the specified information intended for review:

Help -- display this message and quit.
Display Version and quit.
Wait for SDxto complete.

Command Options

The command options specify how thesdxcommand is configured for the current workspace and project:

Specify the Workspace directory for SDxprojects
{-lp }
Add to the list of Driver/OS/Library search directories.
Specify the report file to load in SDxGUI

Specify the directory containing build results to import as anSDxBuild Results project.

This is typically the directory where you run the MAKE file.


(Requires-builddir) Specify the directory containing reports generated by the host executable. Default: build directory.

These reports will be included in theSDxBuild Results project.

(Requires -builddir) Specify a name of the imported SDxBuild Results project. Default: results_1

Eclipse-specifc arguments are passed to Eclipse.


Additional arguments to be passed to Java VM.