sdx_pack Utility

TheSDSoC™tools include thesdx_packcommand line utility for creating C-Callable IP libraries for linking RTL IP intoSDSoCapplications using thesds++system compiler.


sdx_pack -header  -ip  [-param ="value"] [configuration options]

Configuration Options

Table 1.Configuration Options
Option Valid Values Description
-header Header file with function declarations, Only one top header file allowed Required. Header file with function prototype.
-ip N/A Required. IP packed by theVivado®IP integrator.
-control [=[:offset]] N/A Required. IP control protocol options:
  • AXI
  • none
-func -map N/A Specify a list of C-Callable functions associated with the IP instance. For each function, use the[-func ... -map ... -func-end]option.

To map each software function argument to an IP port, use-map.

-map =:direction[:[:]] N/A Required for using-func . A software function argument to IP port mapping:=:direction[:offset[:direction]

For example,

-primary-clk =min_clk_period N/A Specify the primary clock interface and its minimum clock period in nanoseconds.
-derived-clk =multiplier:divisor N/A Specify the phase-aligned derived clock interface, and its multiplier and divisor in integer.
-primary-clk =min_clk_period N/A Specify the primary clock interface and its minimum clock period in nanoseconds.
-derived-clk =multiplier:divisor N/A Specify the phase-aligned derived clock interface, and its multiplier and divisor in integer.
-target-cpu N/A Specifies target CPU:
  • cortex-a9
  • cortex-a53
  • cortex-r5
  • microblaze
-target-family N/A Specifies target board family; for example,zynqorzynquplus.
-target-os N/A Specifies target Operating System:
  • linux(default)
  • standalone(bare-metal)
-verbose N/A Prints verbose output toSTDOUT.
-version N/A Prints thesdx_packversion information toSTDOUT.
--help N/A Displays information about this command:sdx_pack --help
  • family
  • cpu
  • os
Query supportedboard_family,cpu_type, andos_typeof the IP.
  • all
  • aximm
  • axilite
  • axis
  • clock
  • control
  • param
  • misc
Query interfaces and parameters of the IP, support multiple queries.
-primary-clk =min_clk_period N/A Specify the primary clock interface and its minimum clock period in nanoseconds.

Only one top primary clock is allowed,min_clk_periodshould be between 0.5 and 1000.0 (i.e., 1 MHz to 2 GHz)

-derived-clk =multiplier:divisor N/A Specify the phase-aligned derived clock interface, and its multiplier and divisor in integer.

sdx_pack Example

sdx_pack -header count.hpp -ip ../ip/component.xml -func count \ -control AXI=S_AXI:0 -map start_value=S_AXI:in:0x8 -map return=S_AXI:out:4 -func-end \ -target-cpu cortex-a9 -target-os standalone -target-family zynq

Where the flags that are used above are defined in the table.

The sdx_packutility automatically generates:
  • .o: Compiled object code for the specified function. This file is generated under the.Xil/sdxfolder.
  • .fcnmap.xml: Mapping IP ports to function arguments. This file is generated under the.Xil/rtlfolder.
  • .params.xml: IP parameters. This file is generated under the.Xil/rtlfolder.
  • .cpp: C++ file with entry point. This file is generated under the.Xil/rtlfolder.

-query Option usage

sdx_pack -query-target  -ip component.xml [-target-family ] [-target-cpu ]

This query only supports meaningful queries instead of all possible combinations. Only one-query-target option supported at each query. Specifically, below is what-query-target returns. This is consistent with theSDx™GUI for the application project.

-query-target family

It ignores all other options and returns all supported board families of the IP. In 2018.3, this family set must be a subset of {artix7, kintex7, kintexu, kintexuplus, spartan7, virtex7, virtexu, virtexuplus, virtexuplusHBM, zynq, zynquplus}.

Note:For a family with an "a" (automotive), "q" (space) prefix, or "l" (low power) suffix, then specify the family without the prefix or suffix. For example, target azynq, select zynq.
-query-target cpu
It ignores all other options except -target-family .
  • If-target-family is specified, it returns all CPU types supported under this specific family. In 2018.3, this must be a subset of {cortex-a9, cortex-a53, cortex-r5, microblaze}.
  • If-target-family is not selected, then it returns all CPU types supported under all supported families. In 2018.3, this must be a subset of {cortex-a9, cortex-a53, cortex-r5, microblaze} {cortex-a9, cortex-a53, cortex-r5, microblaze}.
-query-target os
  • If-target-cpu is specified, it returns all OS types supported under this specific CPU. In 2018.3, this must be a subset of {linux, standalone}.

    If-target-family is also specified, cpu_type must be a valid CPU in this specific board_family.

  • Else, if-target-family is specified, it returns all OS types supported under this specific family. In 2018.3, this must be a subset of {linux, standalone}.
  • Else, it returns all OS types supported under all supported families. In 2018.3, this must be a subset of {linux, standalone}

-map Option Usage

In this example, the hardware name for theAXI4-Liteinterface iss_axi_AXILiteS.

Scalars are always mapped ontoAXI4-Liteinterfaces:

  • To map an input scalar (e.g., int a), use-map a=s_axi_AXILiteS:in:offset.
  • To map an output scalar (e.g., int *a, or int &a), use-map a=s_axi_AXILiteS:out:offset.
  • To map a return scalar (the return type can only be scalar), use-map return=s_axi_AXILiteS:out:offset.

Arrays (e.g., int a[N]) can be mapped onto any type of interface. The exact interface and direction is specified by the IP.

  • To map an array ontoAXI4, use-map a=s_axi_AXILiteS:in:offset,:direction. Do not map ontoAXI4(m_axi) whencontrol noneis used.

  • To map an array ontoAXI4-Stream, use-map a=:direction.

  • To map an array (a small, constant-size array) ontoAXI4-Lite, use-map a=s_axi_AXILiteS:in:offset.
    Note:The array must be a one-dimensional array with a constant size. For example, int a[N], where N must be a constant (which can be either #define N 16 or constant int N = 16).