xclbinutil Utility

This utility operates on a xclbin produced byXilinx®OpenCL™Compiler. See theSDAccel Environment User Guide(UG1023) for more information.

For example:

  • Reporting xclbin information:xclbinutil --info --input binary_container_1.xclbin
  • Extracting the bitstream image:xclbinutil --dump-section BITSTREAM:RAW:bitstream.bit --input binary_container_1.xclbin
  • Extracting the build metadata:xclbinutil --dump-section BUILD_METADATA:HTML:buildMetadata.json --input binary_container_1.xclbin
  • Removing a section:xclbinutil --remove-section BITSTREAM --input binary_container_1.xclbin --output binary_container_modified.xclbin
  • xclbinutil --input verify.xclbin --dump-section IP_LAYOUT:JSON:ip_layout_orig.json
  • xclbinutil --input verify.xclbin --output verifyout.xclbin --append-section IP_LAYOUT:JSON:ip_layout_append.json
  • xclbinutil --input verifyout.xclbin --dump-section IP_LAYOUT:JSON:ip_layout_modified.json
  • xclbinutil --input verify.xclbin --info --verbose

Command Options

  • -h [ --help ]: Print help messages
  • i [ --input ]: Input file name. Reads xclbin into memory.
  • -o [ --output ]: Output file name. Writes in memory xclbin image to a file.
  • -v [ --verbose ]: Display verbose/debug information.
  • -q [ --quiet ]: Minimize reporting information.
  • --migrate-forward: Migrate the xclbin archive forward to the new binary format.
  • --remove-section: Section name to remove.
  • --add-section: Section name to add. Format:
  • --dump-section Section to dump. Format:
  • --replace-section Section to replace.
  • --key-value Key value pairs. Format: [USER|SYS]::
  • --remove-key Removes the given user key from the xclbin archive.
  • --add-signature Adds a user defined signature to the given xclbin image.
  • --remove-signatureRemoves the signature from the xclbin image.
  • --get-signatureReturns the user defined signature (if set) of the xclbin image.
  • --infoReport accelerator binary content. Including: generation and packaging data, kernel signatures, connectivity, clocks, sections, etc.
  • --list-namesList all possible section names (Stand Alone Option)
  • --versionVersion of this executable.
  • --forceForces a file overwrite.

:: Syntax Information

The section to add or dump (e.g., BUILD_METDATA, BITSTREAM, etc.)
Note:If a JSON format is being used, this value can be empty. If so, then the JSON metadatawill determine the section it is associated with. In addition, only sections that are found in the JSON file will be reported.
The format to be used. Currently, there are three formats available:
Binary Image
JSON file format
Browser visible
The name of the input/output file to use.

For example,--add-section BITSTREAM:RAW:mybitstream.bit.