Useful Command Line Utilities

There are severalXilinx®command line utilities that provide detailed information to help constructxocccommand line and give data about the platform, including SLR resource availability. These includeplatforminfo,kernelinfo, andxclbininfo.

Platforminfo Utility

Theplatforminfocommand line utility reports platform meta-data including information on interface, clock, valid SLRs and allocated resources, and memory in a structured format. This information can be referenced when allocating kernels to SLRs or memory resources for instance.

The following command will report information on thexilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfmplatform.

platforminfo -p $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm

Condensed output examples, using the above command, are given below.

For more information, including command options, see theSDx Command and Utility Reference Guide.

Basic Platform Information

Platform information and high-level description are reported. Thexdmaperforms memory transfers between the host andXilinxaccelerator card over aPCIe®.

Platform: xdma File: /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1/ xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm Description: This platform targets the Alveo U200 Data Center Accelerator Card. This high-performance acceleration platform features up to four channels of DDR4-2400 SDRAM which are instantiated as required by the user kernels for high fabric resource availability, and Xilinx DMA Subsystem for PCI Express with PCIe Gen3 x16 connectivity. Platform Type: SDAccel

Hardware Platform Information

General information on the hardware platform is reported. For the Software Emulation and Hardware Emulation field, a "1" indicates this platform is suitable for these configurations. TheMaximum Number of Compute Unitsfield gives the maximum number of compute units allowable in this platform.

Vendor: xilinx Board: U200 (xdma) Name: xdma Version: 201830.1 Generated Version: 2018.3 Software Emulation: 1 Hardware Emulation: 1 FPGA Family: virtexuplus FPGA Device: xcu200 Board Vendor: Board Name: Board Part: xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e Maximum Number of Compute Units: 60

Interface Information

The following shows the reportedPCIeinterface information.

Interface Name: PCIe Interface Type: gen3x16 PCIe Vendor Id: 0x10EE PCIe Device Id: 0x5000 PCIe Subsystem Id: 0x000E

Clock Information

Reports the maximum kernel clock frequencies available. The Clock Index is the reference used in the--kernel_frequency xoccdirective when overriding the default value. For specific details, seeSDx Command and Utility Reference Guide.

Default Clock Index: 0 Clock Index: 1 Frequency: 500.000000 Clock Index: 0 Frequency: 300.000000

Valid SLRs

Reports the valid SLRs in the platform.


Resource Availability

The total available resources and resources available per SLR are reported. This information can be used to assess applicability of the platform for the design and help guide allocation of compute unit to available SLRs.

Total... LUTs: 1051996 FFs: 2197301 BRAMs: 1896 DSPs: 6833 Per SLR... SLR0: LUTs: 354825 FFs: 723370 BRAMs: 638 DSPs: 2265 SLR1: LUTs: 159108 FFs: 329166 BRAMs: 326 DSPs: 1317 SLR2: LUTs: 354966 FFs: 723413 BRAMs: 638 DSPs: 2265

Memory Information

Reports the available DDR and PLRAM memory connections per SLR as shown in the example output below.
Type: ddr4 Bus SP Tag: DDR Segment Index: 0 Consumption: automatic SP Tag: bank0 SLR: SLR0 Max Masters: 15 Segment Index: 1 Consumption: default SP Tag: bank1 SLR: SLR1 Max Masters: 15 Segment Index: 2 Consumption: automatic SP Tag: bank2 SLR: SLR1 Max Masters: 15 Segment Index: 3 Consumption: automatic SP Tag: bank3 SLR: SLR2 Max Masters: 15 Bus SP Tag: PLRAM Segment Index: 0 Consumption: explicit SLR: SLR0 Max Masters: 15 Segment Index: 1 Consumption: explicit SLR: SLR1 Max Masters: 15 Segment Index: 2 Consumption: explicit SLR: SLR2 Max Masters: 15

TheBus SP Tagheading can be DDR or PLRAM and gives associated information below.

TheSegment Indexfield is used in association with theSP Tagto generate the associated memory resource index as shown below.

Bus SP Tag[Segment Index]

For example, ifSegment Indexis 0, then the associated DDR resource index would be DDR[0].

This memory index is used when specifying memory resources in thexocccommand as shown below:

xocc … --sp vadd.m_axi_gmem:DDR[3]

There can be more than oneSegment Indexassociated with an SLR. For instance, in the output above, SLR1 has bothSegment Index1 and 2.

TheConsumptionfield indicates how a memory resource is used when building the design:

If an --spdirective is not specified, it uses this memory resource by default during xoccbuild. For example in the report below, DDR with Segment Index1 is used by default.
When the maximum number of memory interfaces have been used under Consumption: defaulthave been fully applied, then the interfaces under automaticis used. The maximum number of interfaces per memory resource are given in the Max Mastersfield.
For PLRAM, consumption is set to explicitwhich indicates this memory resource is only used when explicitly indicated through the xocccommand line.

Feature ROM Information

The feature ROM information provides build related information on ROM platform and can be requested byXilinx Supportwhen debugging system issues.

ROM Major Version: 10 ROM Minor Version: 1 ROM Vivado Build ID: 2388429 ROM DDR Channel Count: 5 ROM DDR Channel Size: 16 ROM Feature Bit Map: 655885 ROM UUID: 00194bb3-707b-49c4-911e-a66899000b6b ROM CDMA Base Address 0: 620756992 ROM CDMA Base Address 1: 0 ROM CDMA Base Address 2: 0 ROM CDMA Base Address 3: 0

Software Platform Information

Although software platform information is reported, it is only useful forSDSoC™users, which have an OS running on the device, and not applicable toSDAccel™users which use a host machine.

Number of Runtimes: 1 Linux root file system path: tbd Default System Configuration: config0_0 System Configurations: System Config Name: config0_0 System Config Description: config0_0 Linux OS on x86_0 System Config Default Processor Group: x86_0 System Config Default Boot Image: System Config Is QEMU Supported: 0 System Config Processor Groups: Processor Group Name: x86_0 Processor Group CPU Type: x86 Processor Group OS Name: Linux OS System Config Boot Images: Supported Runtimes: Runtime: OpenCL

Kernelinfo Utility

Thekernelinfoutility extracts information from.xofiles which can be used during host code development. This information includes hardware function names, arguments, offsets, and port data.

To run thekernelinfoutility, enter the following in a Linux terminal:


The output is divided into three categories:

  • Kernel Definitions
  • Arguments
  • Ports

Examples of each are shown below based on the following command:

kernelinfo krnl_vadd.xo

Wherekrnl_vadd.xois a packaged kernel.

For more information, including command options, seeSDx Command and Utility Reference Guide.

Kernel Definition

Reports high-level kernel definition information. Importantly, for the host code development, the kernel name is given in thenamefield. In this example, the kernel name iskrnl_vadd.

=== Kernel Definition === name: krnl_vadd language: c vlnv: preferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple: 1 workGroupSize: 1 debug: true containsDebugDir: 1 sourceFile: krnl_vadd/cpu_sources/krnl_vadd.cpp


Reports kernel function arguments. For each argument, it reports the following:

  • name
  • addressQualifier
  • id
  • port
  • size
  • offset
  • hostOffset
  • hostSize
  • type

In the following example, there are four arguments:

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • n_elements
=== Arg === name: a addressQualifier: 1 id: 0 port: M_AXI_GMEM size: 0x8 offset: 0x10 hostOffset: 0x0 hostSize: 0x8 type: int* === Arg === name: b addressQualifier: 1 id: 1 port: M_AXI_GMEM size: 0x8 offset: 0x1C hostOffset: 0x0 hostSize: 0x8 type: int* === Arg === name: c addressQualifier: 1 id: 2 port: M_AXI_GMEM1 size: 0x8 offset: 0x28 hostOffset: 0x0 hostSize: 0x8 type: int* === Arg === name: n_elements addressQualifier: 0 id: 3 port: S_AXI_CONTROL size: 0x4 offset: 0x34 hostOffset: 0x0 hostSize: 0x4 type: int const


Reports the memory and control ports used by the kernel.

=== Port === name: M_AXI_GMEM mode: master range: 0xFFFFFFFF dataWidth: 32 portType: addressable base: 0x0 === Port === name: M_AXI_GMEM1 mode: master range: 0xFFFFFFFF dataWidth: 32 portType: addressable base: 0x0 === Port === name: S_AXI_CONTROL mode: slave range: 0x1000 dataWidth: 32 portType: addressable base: 0x0

Xclbinutil Utility

Thexclbinutilutility can create, modify, and reportxclbincontent information. Detailed command options can be found in "xclbinutil Utility" section inSDx Command and Utility Reference Guide. For most users, the contents and how thexclbinwas created is desired. This information can be obtained through the--infooption and reports information on thexclbin, hardware platform, clocks, memory configuration, kernel, and how thexclbinwas generated.

An example of thexclbinutilcommand using the--infooption is shown below. In addition, an example of the generated output, divided into sections, based on the command is also given.

xclbinutil -i binary_container_1.xclbin --info

xclbin Information

Generated by: xocc (2018.3) on Tue Nov 20 19:42:42 MST 2018 Version: 2.1.1660 Kernels: krnl_vadd Signature: Not Present Content: HW Emulation Binary UUID: 979eb04c-b99c-4cbe-9a67-ad07b89f303b Sections: BITSTREAM, MEM_TOPOLOGY, IP_LAYOUT, CONNECTIVITY, DEBUG_IP_LAYOUT, CLOCK_FREQ_TOPOLOGY, BUILD_METADATA, EMBEDDED_METADATA, DEBUG_DATA

Hardware Platform (Shell) Information

Vendor: xilinx Board: u200 Name: xdma Version: 201830.1 Generated Version: Vivado 2018.3 (SW Build: 2388429) Created: Wed Nov 14 20:06:10 2018 FPGA Device: xcu200 Board Vendor: Board Name: Board Part: Platform VBNV: xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1 Static UUID: 00194bb3-707b-49c4-911e-a66899000b6b Feature ROM TimeStamp: 1542252769


Reports the maximum kernel clock frequencies available. Both the clock names and clock indexes are provided. The clock indexes are identical as reported in thePlatforminfo Utility.

Name: DATA_CLK Index: 0 Type: DATA Frequency: 300 MHz Name: KERNEL_CLK Index: 1 Type: KERNEL Frequency: 500 MHz

Memory Configuration

Name: bank0 Index: 0 Type: MEM_DDR4 Base Address: 0x0 Address Size: 0x400000000 Bank Used: No Name: bank1 Index: 1 Type: MEM_DDR4 Base Address: 0x400000000 Address Size: 0x400000000 Bank Used: Yes Name: bank2 Index: 2 Type: MEM_DDR4 Base Address: 0x800000000 Address Size: 0x400000000 Bank Used: No Name: bank3 Index: 3 Type: MEM_DDR4 Base Address: 0xc00000000 Address Size: 0x400000000 Bank Used: No Name: PLRAM[0] Index: 4 Type: MEM_DDR4 Base Address: 0x1000000000 Address Size: 0x20000 Bank Used: No Name: PLRAM[1] Index: 5 Type: MEM_DRAM Base Address: 0x1000020000 Address Size: 0x20000 Bank Used: No Name: PLRAM[2] Index: 6 Type: MEM_DRAM Base Address: 0x1000040000 Address Size: 0x20000 Bank Used: No

Kernel Information

For each kernel in thexclbinthe function definition, ports, and instance information is reported.

Below is an example of the reported function definition.

Definition ---------- Signature: krnl_vadd (int* a, int* b, int* c, int const n_elements)

Below is an example of the reported ports.

Ports ----- Port: M_AXI_GMEM Mode: master Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable Port: M_AXI_GMEM1 Mode: master Range (bytes): 0xFFFFFFFF Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable Port: S_AXI_CONTROL Mode: slave Range (bytes): 0x1000 Data Width: 32 bits Port Type: addressable

Below is an example of the reported instance(s) of the kernel.

Instance: krnl_vadd_1 Base Address: 0x0 Argument: a Register Offset: 0x10 Port: M_AXI_GMEM Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: b Register Offset: 0x1C Port: M_AXI_GMEM Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: c Register Offset: 0x28 Port: M_AXI_GMEM1 Memory: bank1 (MEM_DDR4) Argument: n_elements Register Offset: 0x34 Port: S_AXI_CONTROL Memory: 

Tool Generation Information

The utility also reports thexocccommand line used to generate thexclbin. The Command Line section gives the actualxocccommand line used, while the Options section displays each option used in the command line, but in a more readable format with one option per line.

Generated By ------------ Command: xocc Version: 2018.3 - Tue Nov 20 19:42:42 MST 2018 (SW BUILD: 2394611) Command Line: xocc -t hw_emu --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1/xilinx_ u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm --save-temps -l --nk krnl_vadd:1 -g --messageDb binary_container_1.mdb --xp misc:solution_name=link --temp_dir binary_container_1 --report_dir binary_container_1/reports --log_dir binary_ container_1/logs --remote_ip_cache /wrk/tutorials/ip_cache -obinary_container_1.xclbin binary_ container_1/krnl_vadd.xo Options: -t hw_emu --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm --save-temps -l --nk krnl_vadd:1 -g --messageDb binary_container_1.mdb --xp misc:solution_name=link --temp_dir binary_container_1 --report_dir binary_container_1/reports --log_dir binary_container_1/logs --remote_ip_cache /wrk/tutorials/ip_cache -obinary_container_1.xclbin binary_container_1/krnl_vadd.xo ============================================================================== User Added Key Value Pairs --------------------------  ==============================================================================