SDAccel Environment Installation

With the delivery of theXilinx®Alveo™U200 and U250 Data Center accelerator cards, as well as the VCU1525 acceleration platform, you can configure your system for deploying applications only, or you can configure for development. This enables you to develop and debug applications, in addition to deploying them. However, the latter requires additional software installation.

Deployment Systems

To deploy accelerated applications, install the accelerator card into a system, and then install the requiredXilinxRuntime (XRT) and deployment shell to support running applications. The following documents describe how to install the accelerator card and the required software for a deployment system:

  • Getting Started withAlveoData Center Accelerator Cards(UG1301)
  • VCU1525 Reconfigurable Acceleration Platform User Guide(UG1268)

Development Systems

A development system enables you to not only deploy accelerated applications, but also develop and debug them. A development system does not require the actual accelerator card, but does require XRT and deployment shell, as well as a development shell. These packages are a required part of theSDAccel™development environment to support a specific accelerator card in the tool.

To configure your system, use this workflow:

  1. Install theSDAccelenvironment software, as described inInstalling the SDAccel Environment.
  2. For each acceleration platform that you want to develop for, install the platform-specific packages, as described inInstalling Platform-Specific Packages.
    Note:For multiple accelerator cards, repeat the installation of platform-specific packages.

Installing theSDAccelEnvironment

There is no separateVivado®version of theSDAcceldevelopment environment. There are only two styles of installation: stand-alone andSDx™installations. Any difference in the installation process happens if you use adifferentxsetup installer than the ones fromSDxorVivado Design Suitetools.

Note:The SDxxsetup installer is a super-set of VivadoSystem Edition. When you use the SDxxsetup installer, it includes all of the programs and options that the 2018.3 Vivadoxsetup installer has.

Download the Installation File

  1. Go to theXilinxDownloads Website.
  2. Click an installation file to download it.
    Web installer
    Recommended installation method, because it reduces download time and saves significant disk space. With this option, you choose design tools, device families, and installation options at the time of installation.
    Single File Download (SFD)
    Provides an image containing all devices and tool options that can be used for installation at a later time.

Run the Installation File

Use the installation file you downloaded to install the SDAcceldevelopment environment.
  1. Run the installation file, which opens theSDxIDE 2018.3 Installer.
  2. ClickNext.
  3. Enter your account credentials.
  4. SelectDownload and Install Now, and then clickNext.

  5. Read and accept the license agreements.
    • To indicate that you accept theXilinxInc. End User License Agreement, clickI Agree.
    • To indicate that you understand and accept the WebTalk Terms and Conditions, clickI Agree.
    • To indicate that you accept the Third Party Software End User License Agreement, clickI Agree.
  6. After accepting all license agreements, clickNext.
  7. Customize the installation by selecting and clearing options in the tree.

    To add to this installation later, clickVivado>Help>Add Design Tools or Devices.

  8. ClickNext.
  9. Select the installation directory.

    The installation directory path must not contain anyspaces.
  10. ClickNext.

    An Installation Summary window is displayed, describing the following information:

    • Devices
    • Design tools
    • Installation options
    • Installation locations
    • Download locations
    • Disk space requirements
  11. After reviewing the installation summary, clickInstall.

Use the Single File Download

If you downloaded the full product installation, decompress the file, and then runxsetupto launch the installation.

Batch Mode Installation Flow

The installer can run in an unattended batch process. To run the installer unattended, you must do one of the following.

  • Specify a standard edition and installation location
  • Include a configuration file that provides the installer with the install location and the tools, devices, and options you want to install
Note:Generate this reference for each new release, so that new devices, tools, options, or other changes will be accounted for in your options file.

To begin using batch mode, open a command shell, and change to the directory where you have stored your extracted installer.

Generate a Configuration File

  1. Runxsetup -b ConfigGen.

    This will put you in an interactive mode where you will see the following menu:

    1. SDx Development Environments Please choose:

    Type1, and then pressEnter.

  2. After you make a selection, you will be prompted with the location/file name for your configuration file and the interactive mode exits. Below is a sample configuration file:
    Edition=SDx Development Environments # Path where Xilinx software will be installed. Destination=/opt/Xilinx # Choose the Products/Devices the you would like to install. Modules=Built-in Platforms and associated devices for SDSoC:1,Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC:1,Virtex UltraScale+ HBM ES:0,Zynq-7000:1,Kintex UltraScale+ ES:0,Kintex UltraScale+:1,ARM Cortex-A53:1,Spartan-7:1,ARM Cortex-A9:1,ARM Cortex R5:1,Virtex UltraScale+ ES:0,System Generator for DSP:0,Artix-7:1,Built-in Platforms and associated devices forSDAccel:1,DocNav:1,Kintex-7:1,Virtex UltraScale+:1,Model Composer:0,Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC ES:0,Kintex UltraScale:1,Engineering Sample Devices for Custom Platforms:0,Virtex UltraScale:1,Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ES:0,MicroBlaze:1,Virtex-7:1 # Choose the post install scripts you'd like to run as part of the finalization step. Please note that some of these scripts may require user interaction during runtime. InstallOptions=Acquire or Manage a License Key:0,Enable WebTalk for SDK to send usage statistics to Xilinx:1,Enable WebTalk for Vivado to send usage statistics to Xilinx (Always enabled for WebPACK license):1 ## Shortcuts and File associations ## # Choose whether Start menu/Application menu shortcuts will be created or not. CreateProgramGroupShortcuts=1 # Choose the name of the Start menu/Application menu shortcut. This setting will be ignored if you choose NOT to create shortcuts. ProgramGroupFolder=Xilinx Design Tools # Choose whether shortcuts will be created for All users or just the Current user. Shortcuts can be created for all users only if you run the installer as administrator. CreateShortcutsForAllUsers=0 # Choose whether shortcuts will be created on the desktop or not. CreateDesktopShortcuts=1 # Choose whether file associations will be created or not. CreateFileAssociation=1

    Each option in the configuration file matches a corresponding option in the GUI. A value of1means that option is selected; a value of0means the option is unselected.

    Note:In this configuration file, by default, there are no devices selected for installation (that is, all devices have a value of 0). To install a device, you mustchange the value to 1.

Running the Installer

After editing your configuration file to reflect your installation preferences, you can run the installer. As part of the command line installer, you must indicate your acceptance of theXilinx End-User License AgreementandThird Party End-User License Agreement, and confirm you understand the WebTalk Terms and Conditions.

WebTalk Terms and Conditions

The WebTalk Terms and Conditions, which you must agree to when running the installer, is below:

By indicatingI AGREE, I also confirm that I have read Section 13 of the terms and conditions above concerning WebTalk and have been afforded the opportunity to read the WebTalk FAQ posted at I understand that I am able to disable WebTalk later if certain criteria described in Section 13(c) apply. If they don't apply, I can disable WebTalk by uninstalling the Software or using the Software on a machine not connected to the Internet. If I fail to satisfy the applicable criteria or if I fail to take the applicable steps to prevent such transmission of information, I agree to allowXilinxto collect the information described in Section 13(a) for the purposes described in Section 13(b).

When using the command line, use the command-line switch,-aor--agree, to indicate your agreement to each of the above. If one of the above is left out of the list, or the agree switch is not specified, the installer exits with an error and does not install.

Batch Mode Installation

This is an example of the command line for a typical new installation using a configuration file.
xsetup --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms --batch Install --config install_config.txt
If you want to use one of the Xilinxdefault edition configurations, you do not have to specify the --configoption, but since the destination directory is included in the configuration file, you will be required to specify this on the command line.
xsetup --agree 3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms,XilinxEULA --batch Install --edition "SDx Development Environments" --location "/home/Xilinx"

The above command uses the default configuration options for the edition specified. To see the default configuration options, use the–b ConfigGenmode as described above. The batch mode of theSDxinstaller can also uninstall and upgrade (add additional tools and devices). For the full list of the options in the installer batch mode, runxsetup -h or xsetup --help.

Resolve Internet Connection Issues

The installer connects to the Internet through the system proxy. The installer uses Firefox browser proxy settings (when explicitly set) to determine connectivity.

If there are connectivity issues, verify the following:

  1. If you are using alternate proxy settings to the ones referred to, select theManual Proxy Configurationoption to specify the settings.
  2. Check whether your company firewall requires a proxy authentication with a user name and password. If so, select theManual Proxy Configurationoption in the dialog box above.
  3. If either theUse System settingsor theAuto detect settingsoption is selected in the Firefox browser, then you must manually set the proxy in the installer.

Installing Platform-Specific Packages

To develop FPGA-accelerated applications in the SDAccelenvironment, you must install the following platform-specific packages for each platform that you want to develop applications for:
XilinxRuntime (XRT)
The XRT is implemented as a combination of user-space and kernel driver components. XRT supports PCIe-based boards, and provides a software interface to XilinxFPGAs.
Deployment Shell
The deployment shell is the communication layer for the accelerator card, and is needed both to build applications with SDAcceland to run them on the corresponding accelerator card.
Development Shell
To develop and deliver accelerated applications in the SDAcceldevelopment environment, you must install the development shell. The development shell includes platform information necessary for compiling and debugging new acceleration applications.

Before you install platform-specific packages, download theXilinxRuntime (XRT), the Deployment Shell, and the Development Shell for your specific card from these product pages:

IMPORTANT:The installation packages found on the product pages are updated regularly, and the file names specified in this document might be different. Make sure to update file names in commands to match the packages that you actually downloaded.

All software installations use standard Linux RPM and Linux DEB distribution files, and root access is required for all software and firmware installations.

Your operating system might require additional packages to be installed prior to installing the XRT and shells. SeeSystem Requirementsfor a list of required packages.

Installing the Packages on CentOS/RedHat

To install and use the XRT on CentOS/RedHat, ensure that you have installed all required packages and recommended libraries, as described in:

On CentOS/RedHat, XRT supports Linux kernel up to: 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64.

After you verify the installation of required packages and recommended libraries install the XRT, Deployment shell, and Development shell — in that order.

IMPORTANT:The installation packages found on the product pages are updated regularly, and the file names specified below may be different. Make sure to update the file names in the following commands to match the packages that you actually downloaded.

Use the following commands to install the packages for your specific platform.

  • For U200:
    sudo yum install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_7.4.1708-xrt.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-u200-xdma-201830.1-2405991.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-u200-xdma-dev-201830.1.x86_64.rpm
  • For U250:
    sudo yum install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_7.4.1708-xrt.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-u250-xdma-201830.1-2405991.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-u250-xdma-dev-201830.1.x86_64.rpm
  • For VCU1525:
    sudo yum install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_7.4.1708-xrt.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-vcu1525-xdma-201830.1-2405991.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install /xilinx-vcu1525-xdma-dev-201830.1.x86_64.rpm

Whereis the directory where you downloaded the RPM packages, andrepresents the software release you are installing.

Note:If you are installing these packages for use with the SDAcceldevelopment environment and do not have an installed card, then you can ignore any message asking you to flash the accelerator card. However, if you are installing these packages for use with an installed accelerator card, you must follow the instructions in Getting Started withAlveoData Center Accelerator Cards(UG1301), or the VCU1525 Reconfigurable Acceleration Platform User Guide(UG1268).

Installing the Packages on Ubuntu

To install and use the XRT on CentOS/RedHat, ensure that you have installed all required packages and recommended libraries, as described inInstall Ubuntu Packages and Libraries.

After you verify the installation of required packages and recommended libraries install the XRT, Deployment shell, and Development shell — in that order.

In the examples provided below, the will either be 18.04, or 16.04 depending on the version of Ubuntu you are running.

IMPORTANT:The installation packages found on the product pages are updated regularly, and the file names specified below may be different. Make sure to update the file names in the following commands to match the packages that you actually downloaded.

Use the following commands to install the packages for your specific platform.

  • For U200:
    sudo apt install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_-xrt.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-u200-xdma-201830.1_.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-u200-xdma-201830.1-dev_.deb
  • For U250:
    sudo apt install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_-xrt.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-u250-xdma-201830.1_.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-u250-xdma-201830.1-dev_.deb
  • For VCU1525:
    sudo apt install /xrt_201830.2.1.1695_-xrt.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-vcu1525-xdma-201830.1_.deb sudo apt install /xilinx-vcu1525-xdma-201830.1-dev_.deb

Whereis the directory where you downloaded the DEB packages, andrepresents the software release you are installing.

Note:If you are installing these packages for use with the SDAcceldevelopment environment, you can ignore any message asking you to flash the accelerator card. However, if you are installing these packages for use with an installed accelerator card, you must follow the instructions in the Getting Started withAlveoData Center Accelerator Cards(UG1301), or the VCU1525 Reconfigurable Acceleration Platform User Guide(UG1268).

Setting Up the Environment to RunSDAccel

To set up the environment to run theSDxtools, source the file below so that thesdxcommand is in thePATH.


C Shell: source /settings64.csh Bash: source /