platforminfo Utility

Useplatforminfoto query the platforms that yourSDx™installation is configured to use. The following command options are available to use withplatforminfo:

Command Options

  • -h [ --help ]: Print help message and exit.
  • -k [ --keys ]: Get keys for a given platform. Returns a list of JSON paths.
  • -l [ --list ]: List platforms. Searches the user repo paths $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS and then the install locations to find.xpfmfiles.
  • -e [ --extended ]: List platforms with extended information. Use with '--list'.
  • -d [ --hw ]: Hardware platform definition (*.dsa) on which to operate. The value must be a full path, including file name and.dsaextension.
  • -s [ --sw ]: Software platform definition (*.spfm) on which to operate. The value must be a full path, including file name and.spfmextension.
  • -p [ --platform ]:Xilinx®platform definition (*.xpfm) on which to operate. The value for--platformcan be a full path including file name and.xpfmextension, as shown in example 1 below. If supplying a file name and.xpfmextension without a path, this utility will search only the current working directory. You can also specify just the base name for the platform. When the value is a base name, this utility will search the $PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS, and the install locations, to find a corresponding.xpfmfile, as shown in example 2 below.
    Example 1: --platform /opt/xilinx/platforms/xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1.xpfm Example 2: --platform xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_1
  • -o [ --output ]: Specify an output file to write the results to. By default the output is returned to the terminal (stdout).
  • -j [ --json ]: Specify JSON format for the generated output. When used with no value, theplatforminfoutility prints the entire platform in JSON format. This option also accepts an argument that specifies a JSON path, as returned by the-koption. The JSON path, when valid, is used to fetch a JSON subtree, list, or value.
    Example 1: platforminfo --json="hardwarePlatform" --platform  Example 2: Specify the index when referring to an item in a list. platforminfo --json="hardwarePlatform.devices[0].name" --platform  Example 3: When using the short option form (-j), the value must follow immediately. platforminfo -j"hardwarePlatform.systemClocks[]" -p 
  • -v [ --verbose ]: Specify more detailed information output. The default behavior is to produce a human-readable report containing the most important characteristics of the specified platform.
Note:Except when using the --helpor --listoptions, a platform must be specified. You can specify the platform using the --platformoption, or using either --hw, --sw. You can also simply insert the platform name or full path into the command line positionally.


The following example writes JSON formatted output for the platform to the specified file:
platforminfo -j xilinx_vcu1525_xdma_201830_1 -o ./vcu1525.json
This example returns the metadata keys for the specified platform, and the second command writes the information to the specified file:
platforminfo -k zcu106 platforminfo -k zcu102 -o ./zcu106_keys.txt
The following returns the System Clocks on the specified platform:
platforminfo -j"hardwarePlatform.systemClocks[]" -p xilinx_u250_xdma_201830_1