Using the xfOpenCV Library Functions on Hardware

The following table lists thexfOpenCVlibrary functions and their usage on hardware:

Table 1.Using the xfOpenCV Library Function on Hardware
Example Function Name Usage on Hardware
Accumulate xFaccumulate ./.elf
accumulatesquared xFaccumulateSquare ./.elf
accumulateweighted xFaccumulateWeighted ./.elf
Arithm xFabsdiff, xFadd, xFsubtract, xFbitwise_and, xFbitwise_or, xFbitwise_not, xFbitwise_xor ./.elf
Bilateralfilter xFBilateralFilter ./.elf
Boxfilter xFboxfilter ./.elf
Canny xFcanny ./.elf
channelcombine xFmerge ./.elf
Channelextract xFextractChannel ./.elf
Convertbitdepth xFconvertTo ./.elf
Customconv xFfilter2D ./.elf
cvtcolor IYUV2NV12 xFiyuv2nv12 ./.elf
cvtcolor IYUV2RGBA xFiyuv2rgba ./.elf
cvtcolor IYUV2YUV4 xFiyuv2yuv4 ./.elf
cvtcolor NV122IYUV xFnv122iyuv ./.elf
cvtcolor NV122RGBA xFnv122rgba ./.elf
cvtcolor NV122YUV4 xFnv122yuv4 ./.elf
cvtcolor NV212IYUV xFnv212iyuv ./.elf
cvtcolor NV212RGBA xFnv212rgba ./.elf
cvtcolor NV212YUV4 xFnv212yuv4 ./.elf
cvtcolor RGBA2YUV4 xFrgba2yuv4 ./.elf
cvtcolor RGBA2IYUV xFrgba2iyuv ./.elf
cvtcolor RGBA2NV12 xFrgba2nv12 ./.elf
cvtcolor RGBA2NV21 xFrgba2nv21 ./.elf
cvtcolor UYVY2IYUV xFuyvy2iyuv ./.elf
cvtcolor UYVY2NV12 xFuyvy2nv12 ./.elf
cvtcolor UYVY2RGBA xFuyvy2rgba ./.elf
cvtcolor YUYV2IYUV xFyuyv2iyuv ./.elf
cvtcolor YUYV2NV12 xFyuyv2nv12 ./.elf
cvtcolor YUYV2RGBA xFyuyv2rgba ./.elf
Dilation xFdilate ./.elf
Erosion xFerode ./.elf
Fast xFFAST ./.elf
Gaussianfilter xFGaussianBlur ./.elf
Harris xFCornerHarris ./.elf
Histogram xFcalcHist ./.elf
Histequialize xFequalizeHist ./.elf
Hog xFHOGDescriptor ./.elf
Integralimg xFIntegralImage ./.elf
Lkdensepyrof xFDensePyrOpticalFlow ./.elf
Lknpyroflow xFDenseNonPyrLKOpticalFlow ./.elf
Lut xFLUT ./.elf
Magnitude xFmagnitude ./.elf
meanshifttracking xFMeanShift ./.elf
meanstddev xFmeanstd ./.elf
medianblur xFMedianBlur ./.elf
Minmaxloc xFminMaxLoc ./.elf
otsuthreshold xFOtsuThreshold ./.elf
Phase xFphase ./.elf
Pyrdown xFPyrDown ./.elf
Pyrup xFPyrUp ./.elf
remap xFRemap ./.elf
Resize xFResize ./.elf
scharrfilter xFScharr ./.elf
sobelfilter xFSobel ./.elf
stereopipeline xFStereoPipeline ./.elf
stereolbm xFStereoBM ./.elf
Svm xFSVM ./.elf
threshold xFThreshold ./.elf
warpaffine xFwarpAffine ./.elf
warpperspective xFperspective ./.elf
warptransform xFWarpTransform ./.elf