
This section lists the prerequisites for using the xfOpenCVlibrary functions.
  • Download and install the SDx development environment according to the directions provided inSDx Environments Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing Guide(UG1238). Before launching the SDx development environment on Linux, set the$SYSROOTenvironment variable to point to the Linux root file system, delivered with the reVISION platform. For example:
    export SYSROOT = /zcu102_es2_reVISION/sw/aarch64-linux-gnu/sysroot
  • Download the Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC Embedded Vision Platform zip file and extract its contents. Create the SDx development environment workspace in thezcu102_es2_reVISIONfolder of the extracted design file hierarchy. For more details, see thereVISION Getting Started Guide.
  • Set up the ZCU102 evaluation board. For more details, see thereVISION Getting Started Guide.
  • Download thexfOpenCVlibrary. The library is made available through github. Run the followinggit clonecommand to clone thexfOpenCVrepository to your local disk:
    git clone