
This document describes the FPGA device optimized OpenCV library, called the Xilinx®xfOpenCVlibrary and is intended for application developers using Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC and Zynq UltraScale+™ MPSoC devices.xfOpenCVlibrary has been designed to work in the SDx™ development environment, and provides a software interface for computer vision functions accelerated on an FPGA device.xfOpenCVlibrary functions are mostly similar in functionality to theirOpenCVequivalent. Any deviations, if present, are documented.

Note:For more information on the xfOpenCVlibrary prerequisites, see the Prerequisites. To familiarize yourself with the steps required to use the xfOpenCVlibrary functions, see the Using the xfOpenCV Library.