Custom Convolution

ThexFfilter2Dfunction performs convolution over an image using a user-defined kernel.

Convolution is a mathematical operation on two functionsfandg, producing a third function, The third function is typically viewed as a modified version of one of the original functions, that gives the area overlap between the two functions to an extent that one of the original functions is translated.

The filter can be unity gain filter or a non-unity gain filter. The filter must be of type AU_16SP. If the co-efficients are floating point, it must be converted into the Qm.n and provided as the input as well as the shift parameter has to be set with the ‘n’ value. Else, if the input is not of floating point, the filter is provided directly and the shift parameter is set to zero.

API Syntax

template void xFfilter2D(xF::Mat & _src_mat,xF::Mat & _dst_mat,short int filter[FILTER_HEIGHT*FILTER_WIDTH],unsigned char _shift)

Parameter Descriptions

The following table describes the template and the function parameters.

Table 1.xFfilter2D Function Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Description
FILTER_HEIGHT Number of rows in the input filter
FILTER_WIDTH Number of columns in the input filter
SRC_T Input pixel type. Only 8-bit, unsigned, 1 channel is supported (XF_8UC1)
DST_T Output pixel type.8-bit unsigned single channel (XF_8UC1) and 16-bit signed single channel (XF_16SC1) supported.
ROWS Maximum height of input and output image (must be a multiple of 8)
COLS Maximum width of input and output image (must be a multiple of 8)
NPC Number of pixels to be processed per cycle; possible options are XF_NPPC1 and XF_NPPC8 for 1 pixel and 8 pixel operations respectively.
_src_mat Input image
_dst_mat Output image
filter The input filter of any size, provided the dimensions should be an odd number. The filter co-efficients either a 16-bit value or a 16-bit fixed point equivalent value.

The filter must be of type XF_16SP. If the co-efficients are floating point, it must be converted into the Qm.n and provided as the input as well as the shift parameter has to be set with the ‘n’ value. Else, if the input is not of floating point, the filter is provided directly and the shift parameter is set to zero.

Resource Utilization

The following table summarizes the resource utilization of the kernel in different configurations, generated usingVivado HLS 2017.1tool for theXilinx Xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1FPGA, to process a grayscale HD (1080x1920) image.

Table 2.xFfilter2D Function Resource Utilization Summary
Operating Mode Filter Size

Operating Frequency


Utilization Estimate
1 pixel 3x3 300 3 9 1701 1161 269
5x5 300 5 25 3115 2144 524
8 pixel 3x3 150 6 72 2783 2768 638
5x5 150 10 216 3020 4443 1007

Performance Estimate

The following table summarizes the performance of the kernel in different configurations, as generated using Vivado HLS 2017.1 tool for theXilinx Xczu9eg-ffvb1156-1-i-es1, to process a grayscale HD (1080x1920) image.

Table 3.xFfilter2D Function Performance Estimate Summary
Operating Mode

Operating Frequency


Filter Size Latency Estimate
Max (ms)
1 pixel 300 3x3 7
300 5x5 7.1
8 pixel 150 3x3 1.86
150 5x5 1.86