Using the Performance Estimation Flow With Linux

To use the performance estimation flow with Linux:

  1. Create a new project in the SDx™ IDE (lab2_linux) for theZC702platform and System Configuration set toLinuxusing the design template forMatrix Multiplication and Addition.
  2. Click on the tab labeledlab2_linux(if the tab is not visible, in theProject Explorertab under thelab2_linuxproject double click onproject.sdx). In theHW Functionspanel, observe that themaddandmmultfunctions already appear in the list of functions marked for hardware – template projects in the SDx environment include information for automating the process of marking hardware functions.
  3. If theHW Functionspanel did not list any functions, you would click on theAdd HW Functionsiconto invoke a dialog for specifying hardware functions. Ctrl-click (press the Ctrl key and left click simultaneously) on themaddandmmultfunctions in theMatching elements:list, and notice that they appear in theQualified name and location:list below.
  4. In theSDx Project Settingsin theOptionspanel, check theEstimate performancebox. This enables the performance estimation flow for the current build configuration.
  5. TheBuildicon provides a drop-down menu for selecting the build configuration and building the project. Clicking on theBuildicon builds the project and with theEstimate performanceoption checked, the performance estimation flow runs. ClickBuild.
    The SDx IDE builds the project. A dialog box displaying the status of the build process appears.
  6. For this lab, you will also need an Ethernet cable to connect to the board. Ensure that the board is connected to an Ethernet router using the Ethernet cable. First, copy the contents of thesd_cardfolder under the build configuration to an sd card and boot up the board. Then make sure that a serial terminal is also connected.
  7. Note the Linux boot log displayed on the terminal. Look for a line that saysSending select for…Lease of obtainedor something similar, where the IP address assigned to your board is reported.
    Note:This address is for use in the next step. If you miss this statement in the log as it scrolls by, you can obtain the IP address of the board by running the command ifconfigin the terminal window at the prompt.
  8. Back in the SDx IDE in theTarget Connectionsview, expandLinux TCF Agentand right-click onLinux Agent (default), then selectEdit.
  9. In the Target Connection Details dialog set up the IP address and port (1534) and clickOK.
  10. Open theSDSoC Report Viewer.
  11. Click theClick Herehyperlink on the viewer to launch the application on the board.
    The Run application to dialog box appears.
  12. Select theLinux Agentconnection and clickOK.
    The SDx IDE runs a software-only version of the application. It then collects performance data and uses it to display the performance estimation report.