Creating a New Project

  1. SelectFile>New>Xilinx SDx Project.
  2. In the New Project wizard, name the projectmmult_traceand clickNext.
  3. In the Choose Hardware Platform page, selectzc702and clickNext.
    Note:Select the appropriate platform if you are using something other than the ZC702 board.
  4. SelectStandalone OSas the System Configuration.
  5. SelectMatrix Multiplication Data Sizeas the template for this project and clickFinish.
  6. In the Project Explorer, expand the various folders by clicking on the triangle, then open themmult.cppfile.

  7. Change the number of tests symbolNUM_TESTSfrom 256 to10, then save and close the file.

  8. In the SDx Project Settings (in themmult_tracetab), notice thatmmult_accelin the HW Functions section of the project overview is already marked for implementation in hardware.