Building the Project

  1. Click theBuildbutton to start building the project. (This will take a while.)
    Important:The build process might take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Instead of building the project you can save time and instead use the pre-built project. (To minimize disk usage in the SDx installation, the imported project might contain fewer files than a project you build, but it includes the files required to complete the tutorial.) To import a pre-built project: select File>Importand then select General>Existing Projects into Workspaceand click Next. Click Select archive fileand browse to find the lab7a_mmult_trace.zipfile provided in the project files folder ( /SDx/2017.1/docs/labs/ Click Open. Click Finish. In the Project Explorer, double-click the project.sdxfile to open the SDx Project Settings. Uncheck the Generate bitstreamoption.

    After all the hardware functions are implemented in Vivado HLS, and after the Vivado IP Integrator design is created, you will seeInserted # hardware monitor coresdisplayed in the console. This message validates that the trace feature is enabled for your design and tells you how many hardware monitor cores have been inserted automatically for you.