Starting the Emulator

  1. From the menu selectXilinx>Start/Stop Emulator.
  2. The Emulation dialog box appears. Select the appropriate Project and Configuration.
  3. Select whether or not you want to show the waveform. Showing the waveform initiates a Vivado tools session with the simulation window open where you can view the waveform of the different signals within your design. Not showing the waveform results in faster emulation. Leave theShow the Waveformoption checked.
  4. ClickStart. This is equivalent to turning a board on.
  5. If you chose to show the waveform, the Vivado Simulator window opens up. This allows you to select the signals to be displayed in the waveform. Make sure you click on theRun Allbuttom to start the programmable logic simulation after selecting your signals.