Marking Functions for Hardware Implementation

This application has two hardware functions. One hardware function,mmult, multiplies two matrices to produce a matrix product, and the second hardware function,madd, adds two matrices to produce a matrix sum. These hardware functions are combined to compute a matrix multiply-add function. Both functionsmmultandmaddare specified to be implemented in hardware.

When the SDSoC environment creates the project from a template, it specifies the hardware functions for you. In cases where hardware functions have been removed or have not been specified, follow the steps below to add hardware functions.

Note:For this lab, you do not need to mark functions for hardware – the template code for matrix multiplication and addition has already marked them. If you don't have the maddand mmultfunctions marked as HW Functions, you could do the following to mark them as HW Functions.
  1. The SDx Project Settings window provides a central location for setting project values. Click on the tab labeledlab1(if the tab is not visible, double-click on theproject.sdxfile in the Project Explorer tab) and in theHW functionspanel, click on theAdd HW Functionsiconto invoke a dialog to specify hardware functions.
  2. Ctrl-click (press the Ctrl key and left click) on themmultandmaddfunctions to select them in the "Matching elements" list. ClickOK, and observe that both functions have been added to the hardware functions list.
    Alternatively, you can expand mmult.cppand madd.cppin the Project Explorer, right click on mmultand maddfunctions, and select Toggle HW/SW(when the function is already marked for hardware, you will see the function mmult(float[], float[], float[]): void [H]in the Project Explorer tab). When you have a source file open in the editor, you can also select hardware functions in the Outline window.
Not all functions can be implemented in hardware. See the Coding Guidelinesfor more information.