Setting up the Debug Configuration

To set up the debug configuration:

  1. In the Project Explorer view click on the ELF (.elf) file in the Debug folder in thelab6project and in the toolbar click on theDebugicon or use theDebugicon pull-down menu to selectDebug As>Launch on Hardware (SDSoC Debugger).Alternatively, right-click the project and selectDebug As>Launch on Hardware (SDSoC Debugger).TheConfirm Perspective Switchdialog box appears.
    Important:Ensure that the board is switched on before debugging the project.
  2. ClickYesto switch to the debug perspective.

    You are now in theDebugPerspective of the SDx IDE. Note that the debugger resets the system, programs and initializes the device, then breaks at themainfunction. The source code is shown in the center panel, local variables in the top right corner panel and the SDx log at the bottom right panel shows the Debug configuration log.

  3. Before you start running your application you need to connect a serial terminal to the board so you can see the output from your program. In this example, we are using the SDSoC environment Terminal view invoked byWindow>Show View>Otherand selectingTerminal>Terminal.Click theTerminaltab near the bottom of theDebugperspective and then click theConnecticonto connect the terminal to the board (which should be powered up already). Use the following settings: (Connection Type: Serial,Port: COM,Baud Rate: 115200 baud).