Setting Up the Board

You need a mini USB cable to connect to the UART port on the board, which talks to a serial terminal in the SDx IDE. You also need a micro USB cable to connect to the Digilent port on the board to allow downloading the bitstream and binaries. Finally, you need to ensure that the jumpers to the side of the SD card slot are set correctly to allow booting from an SD card.

  1. Connect the mini USB cable to the UART port.
  2. Ensure that the JTAG mode is set to use the Digilent cable and that the micro USB cable is connected.

    JTAG mode settings and MicroUSB connection
  3. Set the DIP switch (circled in red above) to SD-boot mode but do not plug in an SD card.
  4. Power on the board.

    Ensure that you allow Windows to install the USB-UART driver and the Digilent driver to enable the SDx IDE to communicate with the board.

    Important:Make sure that the jumper settings on the board correspond to SD-boot or JTAG-boot. Otherwise the board may power up in some other mode such as QSPI boot, and attempt to load something from the QSPI device or other boot device, which is not related to this lab.