Lab3: ZCU102 Platform

Important:In the following tutorial lab the samples folder location is called , and represents your local copy of the sample platforms from the SDx installation.

In this exercise, you will create thezcu102_es1platform.

  1. Launch an SDx Terminal window:
    • From Windows, chooseStart>All Programs>Xilinx Design Tools>SDx 2017.1>SDx Terminal 2017.1.
    • From Linux, source as appropriate for the shell type you’re using.
  2. Launch the SDSoC Platform Utility GUI from the SDx Terminal:
    Important:The SDSoC Platform Utility should be launched from the C:/ directory on the Windows OS, or an equivalent root directory, to avoid path name length limitations that can cause problems when generating the platform files on Windows.
    • In your terminal or shell typesdspfm -guito launch the GUI.
  3. After the SDSoC Platform Utility GUI opens, enter the following info for the base platform information to match the following figure.

    Figure:Specify Hardware Platform

    • Platform Name: zcu102_es1
    • Choose an appropriateOutput Directoryfor your system.
    • TheVivado ProjectandPlatform Tclfiles can be found in the/zcu102_es1/src/vivadodirectory.
  4. UnderProcessor Information, in theTypefield, select theARM Cortex-A53processor and clickAddto add the processor core to the platform configuration.
  5. Again in theTypefield, select theARM Cortex-R5processor and clickAddto add this core to the platform configuration as well.
  6. With theA53_0processor selected, add and configure the Linux OS underBoot Information:

    Figure:A53 Processor Core - Linux Boot Information

    1. Click theAddbutton in the Boot Information panel to add a new configuration.
    2. Config ID:a53_linux, although this can be any name you want.
    3. OS Type:Linux, selected from the drop down menu.
    4. Config Name: This name is automatically generated, but can be edited as needed.
    5. BIF File:/zcu102_es1/src/a53/linux/linux.bif
    6. Readme File:/zcu102_es1/src/generic.readme
    7. Boot Directory:/zcu102_es1/src/boot
    8. Image Directory:/zcu102_es1/src/a53/linux/image
  7. With theA53_0processor still selected, add and configure Standalone OS to the platform using the following settings:
    1. Click theAddbutton in the Boot Information panel to add a new configuration.
    2. Config ID:a53_standalone.
    3. OS Type:Standalone, selected from the drop down menu.
    4. Config Name: Change this name toStandalone Config 1.
    5. BIF File:/zcu102_es1/src/a53/standalone/standalone.bif
    6. Readme File:/zcu102_es1/src/generic.readme
    7. Boot Directory:/zcu102_es1/src/boot
    8. Linker Script:/zcu102_es1/src/a53/standalone/lscript.ld
  8. UnderProcessor Informationselect theR5_0processor, and add and configure the Standalone OS for this processor core:

    Figure:R5 Processor Core - Standalone Boot Information

    1. Click theAddbutton in the Boot Information panel to add a new configuration.
    2. Config ID:r5_standalone.
    3. OS Type:Standalone, selected from the drop down menu.
    4. Config Name: Change this name toStandalone Config 0.
    5. BIF File:/zcu102_es1/src/r5/standalone/standalone.bif
    6. Readme File:/zcu102_es1/src/generic.readme
    7. Boot Directory:/zcu102_es1/src/boot
    8. Linker Script:/zcu102_es1/src/r5/standalone/lscript.ld
  9. Save the configuration file using theFile>Savecommand, and specify a name and location for the platform configuration file.
  10. Click theGeneratebutton to create your platform. You can see progress updates in the SDx Terminal from where you launched the GUI as your platform is created. When your platform is finished generating, you’ll see a popup message in the GUI with the output from the SDx Terminal if there are any error messages. ClickOkto close this message.
  11. Exit the SDSoC Platform Utility by using theFile>Exitcommand.