Creating a Standalone Project

Create a new SDx™ project (lab6) for the ZC702 platform and Standalone OS using the design template for Matrix Multiplication and Addition.

To create a standalone project in the SDx IDE:

  1. Launch the SDx IDE.
  2. SelectFile>New>Xilinx SDx Project.
  3. Specify the name of the project (for example,lab6) in theProject namefield. ClickNext.
  4. From thePlatformlist, selectzc702. ClickNext.
  5. From theSystem Configurationdrop-down list, selectStandalone. ClickNext.
  6. From the list of application templates, selectMatrix Multiplication and Additionand clickFinish.
  7. Click on the tab labeledlab6to select theSDx Project Settings(if the tab is not visible, double click theproject.sdxfile in theProject Explorer) and in theHW functionspanel, observe that themmultandmaddfunctions were marked as hardware functions when the project was created.
  8. If hardware functions were removed or not marked, you would click on theAdd HW Functionsiconto invoke the dialog box to specify hardware functions. Ctrl-click (press the Ctrl key and left click) on themmultandmaddfunctions to select them in theMatching Elementslist. ClickOKand observe that both functions have been added to theHardware Functionslist.
  9. In theProject Explorerright-click the project and selectBuild Projectfrom the context menu that appears.
    SDx builds the project. A dialog box displaying the status of the build process appears.