Creating a Project to Run the Example

  1. SelectFile>New>Xilinx SDx Project.
  2. Specify the name of the project (for example, lab9) in the Project name field. ClickNew.
  3. From the Platform list selectzc702. ClickNext.
  4. From the System Configuration drop-down list, selectLinux. ClickNext.
  5. From the list of application templates, selectArray Partitioningand clickFinish.
  6. Click on the tab labeledlab9to select the SDx Project Settings (if the tab is not visible, double click theproject.sdxfile in the Project Explorer). In the HW functions panel observe that the matmul_partition_accel function is marked as a hardware function when the project was created.
  7. If the hardware functions were removed or not marked, click on theAdd HW Functionsicon to invoke the dialog box to specify hardware functions.
  8. Click theBuildicon on the toolbar to build the project.