Creating a Project to Run Emulation

Create a new SDx project (lab8) for theZC702platform andLinuxOS using the design template forEmulation Example. To create the project in the SDx IDE:

  1. Launch the SDx IDE.
  2. SelectFile>New>Xilinx SDx Project.
  3. Specify the name of the project (for example, lab8) in the Project name field. ClickNext.
  4. From the Platform list selectzc702. ClickNext.
  5. From the System Configuration drop-down list, selectLinux. ClickNext.
  6. From the list of application templates, selectEmulation Exampleand clickFinish.
  7. Click on the tab labeledlab8to select the SDx Project Settings (if the tab is not visible, double click theproject.sdxfile in the Project Explorer). In the HW functions panel observe that the mmult_accel function is marked as a hardware function when the project was created.
  8. If the hardware functions were removed or not marked, you would click on theAdd HW Functionsicon to invoke the dialog box to specify hardware functions.
  9. In the SDx Project Settings, under Options look at the Generate emulation model option. There are two options to select from the pull-down menu:DebugandOptimized. Select theDebugoption to enable capture of debug information. For faster emulation without debug information, select theOptimizedpull-down menu option. For this lab, use the default option ofDebug.
  10. When you select the Generate emulation model option, a dialog box asks you if you want to turn off generation of the bitstream and SD card image. In the emulation mode, the bitstream option and SD card image are not needed, so you can clickYes.