Changing Scope of Overall Speedup Comparison

In the Performance, speedup and resource estimation report, the Summary section shows the estimated speedup for the top-level function (referred to asperf root). This function is set to "main" by default. However, there might be code that you would like to exclude from this comparison, for example allocating buffers, initialization and setup. If you wish to see the overall speedup when considering some other function, you can do this by specifying a different function as the root for performance estimation flow. The flow works with the assumption that all functions selected for hardware acceleration are children of the root.

  1. In the SDx Project Settings window, click the browse button on theRoot functionfield to change the root for the estimate flow.

    A small R icon appears on the top left of that function listed as shown below. The selected function is a parent of the functions that are selected for hardware acceleration.

  2. In theProject Explorer, right click on the project and selectClean Project, thenBuild Project. In theSDx Project Settings, click onEstimate performanceto generate the estimation report again and you get the overall speedup estimate based on the function that you selected.