Lab 8: Emulation

This tutorial demonstrates how to use the emulation feature in the SDx IDE.

First, you target your design to the desired OS and platform and run emulation on the program. In this tutorial you are debugging applications running on an accelerated system.

Note:This tutorial is sparated into steps, followed by general instructions and supplementary detailed steps allowing you to make choices based on your skill level as you progress through the tutorial. If you need help completing a general instruction, go to the dtailed steps, or if you are ready, simply skip the step-by-step directions and move on to the next general instruction.
Note:You can complete this tutorial even if you do not have a ZC702 board. When creating the SDx project, select your board and one of the available applications, even if the suggested template Emulation application is not found.

Learning Objectives

After you complete the tutorial, you should be able to:
  • Use the SDx IDE to download and run your application in emulation mode.
  • Optionally step through your source code in the SDx IDE (debug mode) and observe various registers and memories.