Lab 7: Hardware Debug

This lab provides step-by-step instructions to create a project, enable trace, run the application, and view the trace visualization. This tutorial assumes that the host PC is connected directly to the Zynq-7000 board, and that the board is a Xilinx ZC702 board. This tutorial is applicable to other boards and configurations. However, the details of the steps might differ slightly. The tutorial assumes you have already installed and started the SDx IDE and chosen a workspace.

Note:This tutorial is separated into steps, followed by general instructions and supplementary detailed steps, allowing you to make choices based on your skill level as you progress through it. If you need help completing a general instruction, go to the detailed steps, or if you are ready, simply skip the step-by-step directions and move on to the next general instruction.
Note:You can complete this tutorial even if you do not have a ZC702 board. When creating the SDx environment project, select your board and one of the available templates, if the suggested template Matrix Multiplicationis not found. For example, boards such as the MicroZed with smaller Zynq-7000 devices offer the Matrix Multiplication (area reduced)application as an available template. Any application can be used to learn the objectives of this tutorial.