pragma HLS clock


Applies the named clock to the specified function.

C and C++ designs support only a single clock. The clock period specified bycreate_clockis applied to all functions in the design.

SystemC designs support multiple clocks. Multiple named clocks can be specified using thecreate_clockcommand and applied to individual SC_MODULEs usingpragma HLS clock. Each SC_MODULE is synthesized using a single clock.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function.

#pragma HLS clock domain=


  • domain=: Specifies the clock name.
Important:The specified clock must already exist by the create_clockcommand. There is no pragma equivalent of the create_clock command. See the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis( UG902) for more information.

Example 1

Assume a SystemC design in which the top-level,foo_top, has clocks portsfast_clockandslow_clock. However,foo_topuses onlyfast_clockwithin its function. A sub-block,foo_sub, uses onlyslow_clock.

In this example, the followingcreate_clockcommands are specified in thescript.tclfile which is specified when the Vivado HLS tool is launched:

create_clock -period 15 fast_clk create_clock -period 60 slow_clk

Then the following pragmas are specified in the C source file to assign the clock to the specified functions,foo_subandfoo_top:

foo_sub (p, q) { #pragma HLS clock domain=slow_clock ... } void foo_top { a, b, c, d} { #pragma HLS clock domain=fast_clock ...

See Also

  • Vivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis(UG902)