Exporting a Shared Library

The following steps demonstrate how to export an SDSoC environment shared library with the corresponding SD card boot image using the SDSoC environment GUI.

  1. SelectFile>New>SDSoC Projectto bring up theNew Projectdialog box.
  2. Create a new SDSoC project.
    1. Typelibmatrixin theProject namefield.
    2. SelectPlatformto bezc702.
    3. Put a checkmark on theShared Librarycheckbox.
    4. ClickNext.
  3. Choose the application template.
    1. SelectMatrix Shared Libraryfrom theAvailable Templates.
    2. ClickFinish.
    A new SDSoc shared library application project called libmatrixis created in the Project Explorerview. The project includes two hardware functions mmult_acceland madd_accelthat are visible in the SDSoC Project Overview.
  4. Build the library.
    1. In theProject Explorerview, select thelibmatrixproject.
    2. SelectProject>Build Project.
    After the build completes, there will be a boot SD card image under the SDDebug (or current configuration) folder.