Creating a Library

Xilinx provides a utility calledsdslibthat allows the creation of SDSoC libraries.


sdslib [arguments] [options]

Arguments (mandatory)

Argument Description
-lib Library name to create or append to

One or morepairs.

For example:fir fir.c

-vlnv ::: Use IP core specified by this vlnv. For example,-vlnv
-ip-map Use specified as IP function map
-ip-params Use specified as IP parameters
-pfunc IP core is a platform function
Option Description
-ip-repo Add HDL IP repository search path

Specify target Operating System

  • linux (default)
  • standalone (bare-metal)
--help Display this information

Specify target CPU

  • cortex-a9 (default)
  • cortex-a53
  • cortex-r5
  • microblaze
As an example, to create an SDSoC library for a fir filterIP core, call:
> sdslib -lib libfir.a \ fir fir.c \ fir_reload fir_reload.c \ fir_config fir_config.c \ -vlnv \ -ip-map fir_compiler.fcnmap.xml \ -ip-params fir_compiler.params.xml

In the above example,sdslibuses the functionsfir(in filefir.c),fir_reload(in filefir_reload.c) andfir_config(in filefir_config.c) and archives them into thelibfir.astatic library. Thefir_compilerIP core is specified using-vlnvand the function map and IP parameters are specified with–ip-mapand–ip-paramsrespectively.