Pre-built Hardware

A platform can optionally include pre-built configurations to be used directly when you do not specify any hardware functions in an application. In this case, you do not need to wait for a hardware compile of the platform itself to create a bitstream and other required files.

The pre-built hardware should reside in a subdirectory of the platform software directory. Data in the subdirectory is pointed to by theelement of thefor the corresponding pre-built hardware.

For a given in a platform xml, the location is:

The path is relative to the software platform folder. For example, the element:

Indicates the prebuilt hardware bitstream and generated files are found in/sw/prebuilt_data. Theprebuilt_datafolder for the zc702 platform containsbitstream.bit,zc702.hdf,partitions.xml,apsys_0.xml,portinfo.candportinfo.hfiles.

Pre-built hardware files are automatically used by the SDx environment when an application has no hardware functions using the usual flag:
-sds-pf zc702
To force a full Vivado tools bitstream and SD card image compile, use the following sdsccoption:

Files used to populate theplatforms//sw/prebuilt_datafolder are found in the_sdsfolder after creating the application ELF and bitstream.

  • bitstream.bit
    • File found in_sds/p0/ipi/.runs/impl_1/bitstream.bit
  • .hdf
    • Files found in_sds/p0/ipi/.sdk
  • partitions.xml, apsys_0.xml
    • Files found in_sds/.llvm
  • portinfo.c, portinfo.h
    • Files found in_sds/swstubs