Library Header Files

If the platform requires application code to#includeplatform-specific header files, these should reside in a subdirectory of the platform directory pointed to by thesdx:includePathsattribute for the corresponding OS in the platform software description file.

For a given sdx:includePaths=”in a platform software description file, the location is:


For sdx:includePaths=”aarch32-linux/include”:
To use the header file in application code, use the following line:
#include “zc702_axis_io.h”

Use the colon (:) character to separate multiple include paths:

For example in a platform software description file that defines a list of two include paths:
/ /
Remember:If header files are not put in the standard area, users need to point to them using the –Iswitch in the SDSoC environment compile command. We recommend putting the files in the standard location as described in the platform XML file.

Static Libraries

If the platform requires users to link against static libraries provided in the platform, these should reside in a subdirectory of the platform directory pointed to by thesdx:libraryPathsattribute for the corresponding OS in the platform software description file.

For a given sdx:libraryPaths=”in a platform software description file, the location is:


For sdx:libraryPaths=”aarch32-linux/lib”:
To use the library file, use the following linker switch:
Use the colon :character to separate multiple library paths. For example,
in a platform software description defines a list of two library paths
/sw/ /sw/
Remember:If static libraries are not put in the standard area, every application needs to point to them using the –Loption to the sdscclink command. Xilinx recommend putting the files in the standard location as described in the platform software description file.