Program Execution on a Processor

A processor, regardless of its type, executes a program as a sequence of instructions that translate into useful computations for the software application. This sequence of instructions is generated by processor compiler tools, such as the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), which transform an algorithm expressed in C/C++ into assembly language constructs that are native to the processor. The job of a processor compiler is to take a C function of the form:


and transform it into assembly code as follows:

ADD $R1,$R2,$R3

The assembly code above defines the addition operation to compute the value of z in terms of the internal registers of a processor. The input values for the computation are stored in registers R1 and R2, and the result of the computation is stored in register R3. The assembly code above is simplified as it does not express all the instructions needed to compute the value of z. This code only handles the computation after the data has arrived at the processor. Therefore, the compiler must create additional assembly language instructions to load the registers of the processor with data from a central memory and to write back the result to memory. The complete assembly program to compute the value of z is as follows:

LD a,$R1 LD b,$R2 ADD R1,$R2,$R3 ST $R3,c

This code shows that even a simple operation, such as the addition of two values, results in multiple assembly instructions. The computational latency of each instruction is not equal across instruction types. For example, depending on the location of a and b, the LD operations take a different number of clock cycles to complete. If the values are in the processor cache, these load operations complete within a few tens of clock cycles. If the values are in the main, double data rate (DDR) memory, these operations take hundreds of clock cycles to complete. If the values are on a hard drive, the load operations take even longer to complete. This is why software engineers with cache hit traces spend so much time restructuring their algorithms to increase the spatial locality of data in memory to increase the cache hit rate and decrease the processor time spent per instruction [2].