Optimizing the Hardware Function

The SDSoC environment employs heterogeneous cross-compilation, with ARM CPU-specific cross compilers for the Zynq-7000 SoC and Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC CPUs, and Vivado HLS as a PL cross-compiler for hardware functions. This section explains the default behavior and optimization directives associated with the Vivado HLS cross-compiler.

The default behavior of Vivado HLS is to execute functions and loops in a sequential manner such that the hardware is an accurate reflection of the C/C++ code. Optimization directives can be used to enhance the performance of the hardware function, allowing pipelining which substantially increases the performance of the functions. This chapter outlines a general methodology for optimizing your design for high performance.

There are many possible goals when trying to optimize a design using Vivado HLS. The methodology assumes you want to create a design with the highest possible performance, processing one sample of new input data every clock cycle, and so addresses those optimizations before the ones used for reducing latency or resources.

Detailed explanations of the optimizations discussed here are provided inVivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis(UG902).

It is highly recommended to review the methodology and obtain a global perspective of hardware function optimization before reviewing the details of specific optimization.