FreeRTOS Configuration/Version Change

The SDx™ IDE FreeRTOS support uses a pre-built library using the defaultFreeRTOSConfig.hfile included with the v8.2.3 software distribution, along with a predefined linker script.

To change the FreeRTOS v8.2.3 configuration or its linker script, or use a different version of FreeRTOS, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the folder/SDx//platforms/zc702to a local folder.
  2. To just modify the default linker script, modify the file/zc702/sw/freertos/lscript.ld.
  3. To change the FreeRTOS configuration (FreeRTOSConfig.h) or version:
    1. Build a FeeRTOS library aslibfreertos.a.
    2. Add include files to the folder/zc702/sw/freertos/include.
    3. Add the librarylibfreertos.ato/zc702/sw/freertos/li.
    4. Change the paths in/zc702/zc702.spfmfor the section containing the line("sdx:os sdx_name="freertos" (sdx:includePaths="/aarch32-none/include and sdx:libraryPaths="/aarch-32-none/lib/freertos").
  4. In your makefile, change the SDSoC platform option from–sds-pf zc702to–sds-pf /zc702.
  5. Rebuild the library:
    The SDx IDE folder /SDx/2016.x/tps/FreeRTOSincludes the source files used to build the pre-configured FreeRTOS v8.2.3 library libfreertos.a, along with a simple makefile and an SDSoC_readme.txtfile. See the SDSoC_readme.txtfile for additional requirements and instructions.
    1. Open a command shell.
    2. Run the SDx IDE/SDx/2016.x/settings64.shscript, orsettings64.bat, to set up the environment to run command line tools (including the ARM GNU toolchain for the Zynq®-7000 AP SoC).
    3. Copy the folder to a local folder.
    4. ModifyFreeRTOSConfig.h.
    5. Run the make command.

If you are not using FreeRTOS v8.2.3, see the notes in theSDSoC_readme.txtfile describing how the source was derived from the official software distribution. After uncompressing the ZIP file, a very small number of changes were made (incorporatememcpy,memsetandmemcmpfrom the demo applicationmain.cinto a library source file and change include file references fromTask.htotask.h) but the folder structure is the same as the original. If the folder structure is preserved, the makefile created to build the preconfigured FreeRTOS v8.2.3 library can be used.