Running the Installer

Now that you have edited your configuration file to reflect your installation preferences, you are ready to run the installer. As part of the command line installer, you must indicate your acceptance of theXilinx End-User License AgreementXilinx End-User License AgreementandThird Party End-User License AgreementThird Party End-User License Agreement, and confirm you understand the WebTalk Terms and Conditions.

WebTalk Terms and Conditions

The WebTalk Terms and Conditions, which you must agree to when running the installer, reads as follows:

By indicatingI AGREE, I also confirm that I have read Section 13 of the terms and conditions above concerning WebTalk and have been afforded the opportunity to read the WebTalk FAQ posted at I understand that I am able to disable WebTalk later if certain criteria described in Section 13(c) apply. If they don't apply, I can disable WebTalk by uninstalling the Software or using the Software on a machine not connected to the internet. If I fail to satisfy the applicable criteria or if I fail to take the applicable steps to prevent such transmission of information, I agree to allow Xilinx to collect the information described in Section 13(a) for the purposes described in Section 13(b).

When using the command line, use the command-line switch,-aor--agree, to indicate your agreement to each of the above. If one of the above is left out of the list, or the agree switch is not specified, the installer exits with an error and does not install.