Data Motion Network Clock

Every platform supports one or more clock sources, one of which is selected by default if you do not make an explicit choice. This default clock is defined by the platform provider, and is used for the data motion network generated by sdsccduring system generation. You can view the platform clocks by selecting the Platformlink in the Generalpanel of the SDx Project Settingswindow. You can select a different platform clock frequency with the Data Motion Network Clock Frequencypull-down menu in the Optionspanel of the SDx Project Settingswindow, or on the command line with the -dmclkidoption.
sdscc -sds-pf zc702 -dmclkid 1
To see the available clocks for a platform from the command line, execute the following:
$ sdscc -sds-pf-info zc702 Platform Description ==================== Basic platform targeting the ZC702 board, which includes 1GB of DDR3, 16MB Quad- SPI Flash and an SDIO card interface. More information at products/boards-and-kits/EK-Z7-ZC702-G.htm Platform Information ==================== Name: zc702 Device ------ Architecture: zynq Device: xc7z020 Package: clg484 Speed grade: -1 System Clocks ------------- Clock ID Frequency ----------|------------ 666.666687 0 166.666672 1 142.857132 2 100.000000 3 200.000000