Guidelines for Invoking SDSCC/SDS++

The SDSoC IDE automatically generates makefiles that invokesds++for all C++ files andsdsccfor all C files, but the only source files that must be compiled withsdscc/sds++are those containing code that:

  • Define a hardware function
  • Call a hardware function
  • Usesds_libfunctions, for example, to allocate or memory map buffers that are sent to hardware functions
  • Files that contain functions in the transitive closure of the downward call graph of the above

All other source files can safely be compiled with the ARM GNU toolchain.

A large software project may include many files and libraries that are unrelated to the hardware accelerator and data motion networks generated bysdscc. If thesdscccompiler issues errors on source files unrelated to the generated hardware system (for example, from an OpenCV library), you can compile these files throughGCCinstead ofsdsccby right-clicking on the file (or folder)Properties>C/C++ Build>Settingsand setting theCommandtoGCC.