Monitoring the Standalone Instrumented System

After the build completes, connect the board to your computer and power up the board. Click theDebugbutton to launch the application on the target. Switch to theDebugperspective. After programming the PL and launching the ELF, the program halts in main. Click onWindow>Perspective.

SelectPerformance Analysisin theOpen Perspectivedialog and clickOK.

Switch back to theSDxperspective.

Expand theSDDebugfolder in theProject Explorerview. Right click the ELF executable and selectDebug As>Launch on Hardware (SDSoC Debugger). If you are prompted to relaunch the application, clickOK.

ClickYesto switch to theDebugperspective. After the application launches and halts at a breakpoint in the main function, switch back to thePerformance Analysisperspective.

In theDebugview in the top left of the perspective, click onARM Cortex-A9 MPCore #0.

Next, click on theStart Analysisbutton, which opens thePerformance Analysis Inputdialog.

Check the box toEnable APM Counters. Click theEditbutton to set upAPM Hardware Information.

Click theLoadbutton in theAPM Hardware Informationdialog. Navigate toworkspace_path/project/SDDebug/_sds/p0/ipi/zc702.sdkand select thezc702.hdffile (zc702 is the platform name used in this example - use your platform instead). ClickOpen, then clickOKin theAPM Hardware Informationdialog. Finally, clickOKin thePerformance Analysis Inputdialog.

TheAnalysisviews open in thePL Performancetab. Click theResumebutton to run the application.

After your program completes execution, click theStop Analysisbutton. If prompted by theConfirm Perspective Switchdialog to stay in thePerformance Analysisperspective, clickNo.

Scroll through the analysis plots in the lower portion of the perspective to view different performance statistics. Click in any plot area to show a bigger version in the middle of the perspective. The orange box below allows you to focus on a particular time slice of data.