Analyzing the Performance

In this system, the APM is connected to the two ports in use between the PS and the PL: the Accelerator Coherency Port (ACP) and the general purpose AXI port (GP). The multiplier and adder accelerator cores are both connected to the ACP for data input and output. The GP port is used to issue control commands and get the status of the accelerator cores only, not for data transfer. The blue Slot 0 is connected to the GP port, and the green Slot 1 is connect to the ACP.

The APM is configured in Profile mode with two monitoring slots, one for each: ACP and GP ports. Profile mode provides event counting functionality for each slot. The type of statistics computed by the APM for both reading and writing include:
  • Transaction Count - Total number of requests that occur on the bus
  • Byte Counter - Total number of bytes sent (used for write throughput calculation)
  • Latency - Time from the start of the address issuance to the last element sent

The latency and byte counter statistics are used by the APM to automatically compute the throughput (in mega-bytes per second: MB/sec). The latency and throughput values shown are for a 50 millisecond (ms) time interval. Also, minimum, maximum, and averages are also displayed for latency and throughput statistics.