Resource Utilization for HDCP 2.2 Transmitter v1.0

Vivado Design Suite Release 2016.1

Interpreting the results

This page contains resource utilization data for several configurations of this IP core. The data is separated into a table per device family. In each table, each row describes a test case. The columns are divided into test parameters and results. The test parameters include the part information and the core-specific configuration parameters. Any configuration parameters that are not listed have their default values; any parameters with a blank value are disabled or set automatically by the IP core. Consult the product guide for this IP core for a list of GUI parameter and user parameter mappings.

Data is provided for the following device families:


Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xc7a200t ffv1156 -2 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_artix7 cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11473 6486 3874 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.14 2014-09-11


Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xc7k480t ffg901 -3 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_kintex7 cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11481 6486 3876 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.12 2014-09-11

Kintex UltraScale

Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xcku085 flvf1924 -2 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_kintex7u cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11578 6486 3906 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.21.04 03-21-2016


Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xc7v585t ffg1157 -2 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_virtex7 cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11480 6486 3878 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.12 2014-09-11

Virtex UltraScale

Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xcvu080 ffvd1517 -2 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_virtex7u cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11573 6486 3900 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.21.02 03-22-2016


Part Information Configuration Parameters Resource Utilization
Device Package Speed Grade Configuration Name
Fixed clocks (MHz) LUTs FFs LUT-FF Pairs DSP48s 36k BRAMs 18k BRAMs Speedfile Status
xc7z100 ffg900 -2 hdcp22_tx_v1_0_zync cpu_aclk=100 hdcp_aclk=149 11481 6486 3891 0 0 0 PRODUCTION 1.11 2014-09-11


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